⚔️Chapter three ⚔️

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Jessie was down the reservation to stay with the Clearwaters as Charlie had to go to Arizona to fetch Bella who got in an accident.

Sue got Jessie a pair of ear defenders which Jessie was grateful for. Seth was understanding of Jessie and Jessie liked Seth's personality.

Jessie's ear defenders-

"Hey Jessie, want to watch Scooby doo with me?" Seth asked with a smile

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"Hey Jessie, want to watch Scooby doo with me?" Seth asked with a smile."Uh-huh, can we watch the boo brothers?" Jessie wonders."Yes, my favourite movie ever!" Seth smiles.

Seth puts the movie and Jessje climbs into his lap and snuggles with Seth as they watch Scooby Doo, The Boo Brother.

Jessie falls asleep in Seth's lap during the movies and the pack comes to visit Sue and Harry with their imprints and the girls."Hey, come on in but be quiet Jessie asleep in Seth's lap," Sue says.

Paul walks past and goes to the room where Seth and Jessie are and sees them fast asleep. Paul doesn't share and Sam and Jared stop him from awakening Jessie and Seth.

"You can't wake her, let her sleep," Sam tells him."But she's mine!" Paul grits out."Yes but she is not an object she's a person, she'll awake soon," Sam says gently.

Paul nods and Sue does lunch and wakes Seth up who is still sleeping but slowly waking up Jessie through.

"Hey, Jess, time to wake up sweetie. It's lunchtime," Sue says gently shaking Jessie.

Jessie is stirring awake and sees Paul in her eyeline and wakes up fully. Jessie wiggles out of Seth's arms and runs to Paul.

"Hey missy, I've missed you," Paul says smiling."Missed you too Paul," Jessie says softly.

Jessie sat with Paul all lunchtime and Charlie came for Jessie not long after."Hi Uncle Charlie, are we heading home now?" Jessie wonders."Not yet carry on playing," Charlie says.

Jessie nods and joins in a play with Liv, Seth, and Morgan. Jessie put her ear defenders on as the noise was getting too much and Paul went over and held her as she was getting overwhelmed.

"It's alright Jess," Paul says softly as he holds her close."So noisy now," Jessie says."I know, you'll be heading home soon to some quiet hopefully," Paul says softly."I wish you could stay with me, I like it when I have you," Jessie mutters.

"I'll always be with you Jess, don't you worry about that," Paul softly speaks.Paul and Jessie head outside to have some quiet time."Paul, do you know Jasper and Emmett?" Jessie wonders.

"I do why?" Paul nods."Why aren't you friends with them?" Jessie wonders."Too different worlds," Paul replies.

"We're not all that different, yes we aren't the same personality-wise and traits but we are still people," Jessie says.

"You and Emmett are quite similar, you know? He is strong like you, stubborn, and likes to make jokes and have fun. You should make friends with him and Jasper, they are nice people," Jessie comments

"Maybe one day I will," Paul says with a smile. Jessie sits and plays with the grass Paul sits alongside her and Jessie climbs into his lap. The two enjoy the reservation's quietness and peacefulness.

"It's lovely here, can I visit all the time?" Jessie wonders. "Of course, you made friends with Liv and Morgan so you can visit Sam and Rhea all the time now," Paul says.

"And you don't forget, you are my hero now and my person now," Jessie says with a smile. "I will always be your hero Jessie you can count on that," Paul says softly.

Jessie got up and Paul got up with her and they went for a walk in the woods."Can we collect some leaves and flowers?" Jessie asked

"Sure, come on then and when you want to go in the woods you must ask someone to go with you okay?" Paul says."Okay, it's dangerous in the woods I know," Jessie nods.

The two head for a field full of trees and flowers. Jared and Sam are both patrolling and see Paul with Jessie.

Jessie taps Paul and he looks at her. She smiles and runs off giggling."I'm gonna get you, Jessie," Paul says with a grin.

Paul chases after Jessie and catches her with ease making her laugh brightly. Jessie enjoys Paul's company over everyone's and Sam is happy for Paul as he has an imprint that makes him think about the world more and calms him down.

"Am I coming to see you on Tuesday still?' Jessie questions."Of course, I can't wait to see you and Rhea make the best food ever!" Paul says with a soft chuckle.

"I like Rhea and Sam, will Luna and Jared be there?" Jessie wonders."Everyone from Sam to Morgan," Paul replies."Paul! Jessie! Come back!" They heard Charlie calling for them.

Jessie was on Paul's back and they headed back to Harry's house and saw Charlie waiting by the cruiser for Jessie.

"Time to go back Jess, you will see everyone on Tuesday. Monday we will go and visit your mom's grave if you like so you can place your flowers on her grave?" Charlie says gently.

"I'd like that, can I tell her about my adventures?" Jessie wonders."Of course," Charlie smiles."Bye Paul, see you on Tuesday wolf man," Jessie says softly."See you monkey," Paul says with a smile.

"Thank you for being her friend, Paul," Charlie says with a nod."I like being her friend, she's really sweet," Paul says with a nod."You're a good lad, Paul," Charlie says putting his hand out."Thank you Chief," Paul says shaking Charlie's hand.

Charlie and Jessie wave goodbye to the Clearwaters and Paul and head home where Bella is resting up. Jessie took her ear defenders home and put her tablet on to watch YouTube videos she went to the window and looked down to see Jared's wolf watching her from the treeline.

Jessie waves at Jared and he comes out of the woods and shows himself more to her. Jessie heads downstairs with her coat and boots on and her tablet and sits on the step and Jared goes to her side and sits next to her.

"Hi, again Where's the sliver one? , do we know each other when you're not a wolf?" Jessie wonders.

Jared nods in response and Jessie puts her hand to stroke his head Jared lowers his head allowing Jessie to stroke his head."Can I tell you a secret?" Jessie whispers as Jared nods in response.

"Paul is my hero, he came into my life at the right time and I'm glad he is my friend, I wish he was here as I like it when he is here," Jessie says leaning against Jared's wolf.

Jessie puts on music and she sits with Jared for the rest of the evening till it is time for her to go in. "Bye wolf, I hope we meet again," Jessie says softly.

Jared nods and gently nudges her in. Jessie waves goodbye and heads in for dinner, a bath, and goes to bed at eight-thirty. Jessie loves having a nighttime routine and a morning one. In between, she doesn't mind as long as she is back home before six p.m. or has food where she is at six.

Jessie headed to bed and Jared stayed by Jessie's window for the night as Paul wasn't able to be on patrol tonight as he had to deal with issues at home. Jessie and Paul miss each other but they know they'll see each other soon.


Chapter three is done ✔️ Jessie has met the Clearwaters but Leah. Jessie and Paul are the cutest duo ever! He's so understanding of Jessie and she understands him too.


1. How do we like this chapter?

2. Who is loving Paul in this book?

3. How sweet is Jessie though with Paul?

4. Do we think Jessie and Paul balance each other out?

5. Who's excited for Jake and Embry to phase?

6. How do we feel about this book?

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