😈 Chapter Ten 😈

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Jessie spent time with Charlie, Ashley, and Bree for a few weeks now and Bella is now out of her room and seeing Jessica Stanley and Angela Webber. Jessie was heading to the beach with Bree to meet the pack.

Jessie was on Bree's back as they went down towards the pack and Paul and Jasper both ran to their imprints." Hey Jess, Bree," Paul greets the two." Hi," Bree greets Paul and Jasper." Let's get you down," Paul says lifting Jessie off.

Jasper and Emmett wore hoodies so Bella didn't spot them and change their appearance too. Rosalie came back to find Emmett and the two weren't imprints so she had to let him go and walked away headed back to Carlisle and Esme. Emmett notices Bella, Jessica Stanley, and Angela Webber on the beach.

Angela looks Emmett's way and he freezes." I imprinted on her," Emmett says as Paul gets to his side with Jessie." Go talk to her," Jessie says softly smiling." Can't Bella there and I kind of was dating Rosalie when she last saw me," Emmett says sadly." She's not gonna want to be with me or friends as we were very closed off to people before," Emmett says softly.

Jessie nodded in understanding," Well I can get her for you," Jessie said with a smile and bolted it towards Angela was sitting on her own as Bella, Lauren, and Jessica were hanging out with Mike, Tyler, and Eric." Hi," Jessie says softly smiling at Angela.

"Hello, who are you?" Angela says." I'm Jessie Swan, would you like to play with me?" Jessie wonders with a smile."Please?" Jessie asks softly and Angela nods and Jessie pulls Angela along the beach to Emmett and the pack." Emmett?" Angela wonders." Hi, I bet you're wondering why I'm here huh?" Emmett says softly smiling." Yeah very curious," Angela nods.

Emmett looks at Sam who nods in response that he could tell her the whole story just this once and this early since he had the most complicated one to tell.

"We should go elsewhere and talk but can I ask that you keep an open mind and trust I won't hurt you?" Emmett says."I can try and I know you won't hurt me," Angela says softly.

"Me and Paul can come with you if that makes you both feel at ease?" Jessie offers." Sure thing kiddo," Emmett nods. The four leave the beach and go to the pack house with Angela.

"So I'm back because I left with Jasper who is also here but he's not with Alice anymore and I'm not with Rosalie we all split up from the girls and I'm not like Rosalie and neither is Jasper," Emmett starts with.

"So you're both single now and living with Paul?" Angela wonders." Emmett living with Sam and Jasper is living with me," Paul nods in response.

"Yes we are single, well Jasper is kind of dating Bree but I am. I have my eye on someone," Emmett says softly smiling at Angela."What's it got to do with me?" Angela asked." Let me start at the beginning, I was born in 1915 and I was in an accident where a bear attacked me and Rosalie found me. She got Carlisle to turn me into a vampire which I was up till about three weeks ago when a witch who is Bree's mother turned me and Jasper back to human to become a shapeshifter," Emmett says softly looking at Angela.

"So you were human then a vampire then human and now a shapeshifter?"  Angela says softly. Emmett nods," Rosalie was my mate when I was a vampire but she returned after I've been gone and she's not my mate anymore she's just now someone who I used to be with but she doesn't want to know me now as I'm her enemy," Emmett tells Angela.

"Her enemy?" Angela says confused." I'm now a wolf, let me show you first, and then I'll continue telling you," Emmett says softly smiling. Emmett walks off and he comes back in wolf form." Woah, are you like that?" Angela asked Paul and Jessie." I am but Jessie is all human and my imprint, which is what you and Emmett are," Paul says with a smile." You and Jessie are like relationship mates?" Angela says." No brother and sister bond only as she is young, we aren't perverts," Paul says gritting his teeth.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to offend," Angela says softly." No, it's okay, I'm just tired of people thinking that something is bad about me and her being close as we do get funny looks when she's all me and no one else," Paul says softly.

Emmett nudges Angela and she smiles at him, she strokes his fur and he lowers himself down to let her stroke him further." So you changed from vampire to human/shapeshifter to start again and now I'm your imprint am I getting this right?" Angela says softly smiling. Emmett nods in response," He needs to change so he can talk to you some more," Paul tells her.

Angela lets Emmett get up and dressed, "We'll leave you two to talk and come and meet us by the pack on the beach, oh word of warning don't tell Jessica Stanley or Bella that Jasper and Emmett are here and about us as outsiders aren't allowed," Paul tells Angela who nods in response," I won't, I'm good with secrets," She says with a smile.

Jessie and Paul had back to the pack who were on the beach having fun together and enjoying a day of no patrol and just having their time together.

Jessie wasn't staying with the pack tonight as Charlie wanted to take Jessie to her mom's grave tomorrow and take her out for a few days to celebrate her seventh birthday just him and her.

The pack is going to do a party for her when she comes back and hopefully have no issues beforehand and afterwards.

Paul isn't happy that Jessie is leaving for a few days so he is planning on getting her loads of birthday presents with the money he had saved up for her birthday.

Charlie arrived for Jessie and Bree since Ashley offered to housesit for him whilst they were away." Bye Paul, bye everyone," Jessie waves goodbye and runs off to Charlie.

Jessie and Charlie began to pack up clothes for the trip away and Ashley and Bree arrived to housesit and watch over the place.

Embry Call has just phased and the pack are now dealing with a freshly phased Embry.

Chapter Ten is done ✔️ Emmett imprinted on Angela 😱🥹 Jessie going away for a few days for her birthday.

How was this chapter?

Embry has now phased!

Jake will phase in chapter fourteen!

Who's bond are we loving so far?!

Happy for Jasper and Emmett?

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