🏳️‍🌈Chapter Twenty-Seven🏳️‍🌈

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Charlie was sorting out Jessie's overnight bag as Paul was coming for Jessie to take her to Rhea's house. Charlie told Ashley to get dressed up and ready for a night out as they would have the house to themselves since Bree was mostly down at Angela's house with Luna and Roxy. Rhea was having Jessie and Wanda for the evening.

Paul pulls up and Jessie runs to him who happily hugs her," Hey you, ready to come and stay at Rhea's house?" Paul says says with a smile. Jessie nods and runs inside to grab her overnight bag," I'm ready!" Jessie smiles.

"See you tomorrow evening Jess, have a nice time at Rhea's house and behave for her please!" Ashley says with a smile." I will bye Charlie, Bye Ashley," Jessie says with a smile.

Paul drives away and heads towards Rhea's house, where Rhea is making Jessie's safe place putting fluffy bedding down and making sure her favourite films are available for her. Liv and Morgan were with Jake and Quil this evening as they were growing up and maturing so much as well.

Paul arrived at Rhea's house, and got settled in for the night."So what would you like to do?" Paul asks sitting by Jessie."Would you mind if we watched movies for the night?" Jessie asks quietly.

"Of course, what movies would you like?"Paul says softly."Scooby-doo movies please," Jessie says softly hugging Paul's side." We have the usual four films Zombie Island, Witch's Ghost, School for Ghouls and Boo Brothers," Paul lists.

"All of them please," Jessie says softly smiling." Okay, which one do you want on first or a random one?" Paul smiles." The Boo brothers first," Jessie says happily stimming.

Paul nods and puts Scooby doo and the Boo brothers on, Jessie had her Teddy in her hand and her wolf hat on," Paul cuddle with me!" Jessie claps happily." Of course, milady," Paul winks and Jessie smiles at him.

Paul and Jessie immediately snuggled together and began to watch the first film together." I've missed you Paul, can you stay forever?" Jessie wonders." I'll stay for as long as you want me to," Paul says softly kissing her head.

They were watching the last film when Jessie snuggled into Paul's arms and fell asleep to his heartbeat Paul put a soft blanket over her and let her sleep on his chest. Charlie asked Ashley to marry him and she said yes straight away the two are now set to be married in seven weeks.

Rhea took a peak to see Paul and Jessie all snuggled up and Paul was calmer happier and more stable with Jessie around. She took a photo of the two and sent it to Ashley and Charlie." The two troubles," Rhea captioned the photo.

Ashley and Charlie were enjoying a quiet night in as a newly engaged couple and were planning on having the wedding in seven weeks they were inviting the pack and having it on the beach and going to Vancouver for their honeymoon.

Ashley and Charlie have already got their suit and dress sorted and just got to ask for maid of honour, best man, Officiant and bridesmaids and groomsmen.

Jessie was going to wear a similar dress to her birthday one and it was going to be red this time around. Jessie was going to stay with Leah and Seth's mom to give Rhea and Sam a break as well. Sue was more than happy to have Jessie over for the honey mood period.

Chapter 27 is done ✔️ Jessie will be on the beach when Charlie and Ashley announce their engagement!! The wedding will be in the 29th chapter!!

Sad to say goodbye to this book?

Jessie goes to see Riley in chapter 30!

Embry book is full of fluff book!!

Jasper won't have Bree in the next book!!

Anything you want to see in the new books?

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