🎀Chapter Twenty-three🎀

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Jessie was still locked away in a small room. Victoria never gave her food or drinks, Riley managed to give her some as he felt responsible for her and needed to protect her.

Riley leaves to drop off the two notes for the pack and the Cullens. The Cullens see a note being posted through their doors and Carlisle reads it.

"To The Cullens,

I have something very important to the local wolf pack and unless you want to be solely responsible for her death that will break your, treaty with them. I suggest giving up Edward and his blood singer Bella Swan for her safe return or otherwise, I would rip her to pieces and leave them by your door. The choice is yours, I have an army ready to attack you all if you refuse to hand them over and I will bring a very sick Jessie Swan along to die in the battle also. You have two days.

From you know who,"

Carlisle stops and looks up at the three Cullens." We have to talk to the pack as they have a right to be mad at us," Carlise says."She's taken an imprint and they won't hesitate to fight to get her back," Edward says." Yeah she's Paul's imprint, and he's not in action at the moment due to Jessie's being far away from him," Alice says.

"We'll call for a meeting with the pack tonight," Carlise says hugging Esme." That poor girl, she didn't deserve to be taken, I hope she's not witnessing anything," Esme says softly." We should never have let Bella get involved I warned you," Rosalie says angrily.

With the pack and Ashley. They hear something being posted through the pack door. Rhea grabs the letter and Sam stands with her as everyone stands with them apart from Paul who is asleep. Rhea opens the letter and begins to read it.

"To The Wolf Pack and Scarlet Witch

I have something of yours. She has not been harmed or bitten as there is a law against biting children. I have nothing against you all just the Cullens specifically Edward and his blood singer. I think we can help each other out, you make the Cullens give up Edward and Bella and I'll bring Jessie back safe and sound. You all have two days to decide on your decision if you make no signs of cooperating I'll be forced to send my Newborn vampires to do the job for me.

From a person of interest,"

Rhea finishes reading the letter and looks up at Sam and the pack." What do we do?" Luna asked." We hand them over. That little girl is vulnerable and she is one of us, I have a sick wolf pack up there and she's not going to be any better," Rhea says.

"Sam schedule a meeting with them now!" Ashley yells." My niece's life trumps a treaty with them, she got taken because he and her got involved with one another," Ashley says with a look.

"I agree with her, Jessie life matters more than theirs," Rhea says with crossed arms."I'll call them now and arrange for a meeting," Sam says grabbing the phone.

"Hello?" Carlise answers the phone." We want a meeting now! I assume you got a note as we did regarding an imprint safety and her life," Sam says." We did Sam, and we will agree to a meeting and come up with a plan," Carlise says." We meet in an hour," Sam says hanging up.

Everyone got ready for the meeting, Edward went to get Bella for the meeting since it was regarding her as well. Sam woke Paul up for the meeting and caught him up on everything.

Everyone phased and ran to the treaty line where Sam and Ashley were the only ones in human form." You know why we are here," Sam says with a look." Yes, we aren't handing them over," Carlise says carefully. Paul snarls at them and goes to attack," Easy Paul," Ashley says putting her hand out to him.

"Jessie is our priority not Edward not Bella," Sam says." I'm the one whose life is getting threatened not that brat!!"Bella yells at them and Paul loses it and jumps on Bella snarling in her face." Don't you ever call her a brat!!" Ashley shouts furiously at her.

Ashley uses her powers and squeezes Bella's neck and Edward's." You are going to have to fight the army yourself and her," Ashley says firmly." We will tell this Victoria woman she'll have to fight to get at you but she's to give up Jessie," Sam says before they all leave.

"WAIT!" Alice yells."What?!" Sam yells." You have to help us as she'll  bring Jessie with her to the fight," Alice says." You better not be lying because I'll rip your head off," Paul snarls." I'm not," Alice says softly." Sam sorry to ask but do you know where Emmett and Jasper are?" Carlise wonders." Nope sorry, I don't," Sam says before leaving with the pack and Ashley.

Back in Seattle Jessie was locked away. Jessie was coughing and falling unconscious even more. Riley managed to find the key open the door and run in to see her," Jess it's Riley," Riley said softly touching her head." I want to go home please let me go home," Jessie says softly." You will soon in two days," Victoria says looking at Jessie.

"The pack have made contact it looks like the Cullens want to fight so get the army ready for the journey to Forks," Victoria smirks evilly at Jessie. Jessie whimpers and shrinks back into Riley's arms." Yes Victoria I will," Riley nods in response. Victoria leaves and Riley gets Jessie prepared for the journey home.

Chapter 23 is done ✔️ Jessie is coming home with Riley❤️ The pack will fight but quickly exits with Riley and Jessie🥺❤️

How was this chapter?

Do we like Riley and Jessie's moments?

Who expected Paul to lunge for Bella?

Training is up next chapter!

The battle is in chapter 25!

Edward, Bella and Alice die bye bye 👋

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