✨️Chapter six ✨️

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Jessie was recovering in the hospital from her surgery and was lying on her stomach since she had stitches in her back. Paul refuses to leave Jessie's side and sits all day with her."Paul?" Jessie whimpers."I'm here Jess," Paul says crouching to Jessie's eye level. "I'm sore, I don't like it, "Jessie cries. Jessie screams in pain and discomfort,

"I know sweetheart, I will see if Auntie Sue has any medication that could ease the pain," Paul says softly before getting up."No! Don't go!" Jessie cries reaching out to Paul who gets back to Jessie's level."I'm not leaving," Paul says gently as he gives her his hand which she squeezes."Can you lay with me?" Jessie wonders.

"Of course, I will," Paul smiles. Paul gently lifts Jessie and places her on his chest minding her stitches and Jessie snuggles into his chest.

Just like this-

Jessie falls back asleep with Paul gently stroking her hair and lying with her

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Jessie falls back asleep with Paul gently stroking her hair and lying with her. Paul won't leave her side ever again." I won't leave you, I promise," Paul says softly kissing Jessie's head.

Charlie arrives at the hospital to see a sleeping Jessie and a sleeping Paul on the bed and smiles. Sue Clearwater arrives to check on Jessie and finds the same thing as Charlie.

"She's calmed him down a lot," Sue notes."Definitely has," Charlie nods."What have you done about Bella?" Sue wonders."Grounded her for three weeks," Charlie reveals.

"Hopefully she will change her behaviour, what was she thinking taking Jessie there?" Sue asks."I said she could take her on the providence that she would look after her," Charlie says with a shameful look

"Oh Charlie, "Sue says."Jessie is never going to trust me again," Charlie says brokenly. "I said she'd be okay there and that nothing would happen to her," Charlie says sadly. "You didn't know and she knows that," Sue tells Charlie.

"I told her she'd be safe and now she had to have surgery to remove glass shards from her neck and back," Charlie says sadly. Jessie was listening to Charlie and Sue's conversation." Uncle Charlie?" Jessie says softly." I'm here, what's wrong?" Charlie says gently touching her head.

"You think I'm angry don't you?" Jessie asks tiredly." I'm more angry with myself and Bella, but are you mad at me?" Charlie says." No, it wasn't your fault or mine, it was Edward's he pushed me and got me hurt," Jessie says softly smiling."He's lucky he's disappeared otherwise he's a dead man again," Paul mutters the last bit lowly.

Charlie nods in agreement," Hi Jessie, it's Sue Clearwater," Sue says softly going to Jessie's eye line." Hi, can I go home with Paul yet?" Jessie asked softly." Yes, sweetheart. I'm gonna give you more painkillers to help you out give Uncle Charlie the instructions on how to care for you with this many stitches in your body and then you can go," Sue tells Jessie.

"Am I going to Sam's house or home?"Jessie asks softly."Sam's house as I'm dealing with Bella's screaming and you need a quiet house tonight," Charlie says gently. Jessie nods," I want to get up," Jessie says sadly." Okay, Paul and I will help you," Charlie says softly.

Paul helps Charlie lift Jessie once Sue takes the IV line out," Ready Jess?" Charlie says gently. Jessie nods and they lift her as she winces," Sorry Jess," Paul says softly." N-Not your fault," Jessie cries out."I'm sorry Jess," Paul says softly kissing her forehead, Paul puts his arm under her bum and gently puts his hand on her back so he's not touching her stitches.

Like this-

"Rhea is making you your favourite dinner," Charlie says softly with a smile

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"Rhea is making you your favourite dinner," Charlie says softly with a smile." I only want four pizza slices, not five or six just four," Jessie says softly smiling." She knows, you and Paul head off to Sam's as Jared here with the car and I'll come to see you tomorrow morning to check on you okay?" Charlie says softly kissing her forehead.

"Stay Uncle Charlie please?" Jessie asked softly." Okay, I'll follow you down to Sam's and join you for dinner okay?" Charlie says softly. Charlie, Paul and Jessie all head out to Jared's car and Paul gets in the back with Jessie and holds her close as Charlie follows in his cruiser.

"I'm going to kill that Cullen when I see him again," Paul says lowly." Easy Paul, Jess needs you right now," Jared says with a look. Paul nods and holds a sleeping Jessie as they pull up to Sam's House." How is she?"Rhea asks as she exits the house.

"Really sore and has stitches on her back and neck," Charlie tells them."Oh poor Jess," Rhea says softly." Come in I've done family family-style buffet so help yourself please," Rhea says wavering everyone inside.

Paul sits on the sofa with Jessie as she couldn't sit on a chair yet." Here you go, Jess," Rhea says softly." Four cheese pizza slices just for you," Rhea shows her." Thank you," Jessie says softly smiling and Paul helps her to sit up slightly. Jessie eats the pizza as everyone else has the buffet food.

Charlie pulls Sam and Rhea over, "Any issues with her stitches call Sue first then me, and get her back to Sue's clinic and I will meet you there," Charlie tells them." Of course we will Charlie," Sam says with a soft smile." I've got to head back to deal with Bella so take care of her for me," Charlie says gently.

Rhea nods in response," She'll be okay here, Paul stopping the night so she's got us, and Paul to watch over her," Rhea says softly." I know she loves Paul, and I think the feeling is mutual," Charlie softly smiles." Most definitely she's calmed him down," Sam chuckles.

Charlie smiles and makes his way over to Jessie," I'm going now Jess so I'll see you later, you got Paul tonight so be good," Charlie says softly kissing her forehead goodbye.

"You're coming back right?" Jessie asks tiredly." Yeah, I'll come back soon I promise," Charlie says gently touching her head." Bye Jess," Charlie says softly before leaving." Bye, Charlie, I love you," Jessie says softly." I love you too Jess," Charlie says softly.

After Charlie left, Luna and Jared left the house to go back home. Rhea sorted the girls to bed and made the bed up for Jessie by putting soft fluffy duvet covers down and pillows.

"Paul her bed is done up if you want to place her in bed," Rhea says softly." Thank you, Rhea," Paul nods. Paul carries Jessie to the spare room and gently puts her on the bed the best he can," Goodnight Jess," Paul whispers." Don't go, please?" Jessie whimpers." I'm not going far Jess," Paul says softly. Paul goes back to Jessie's side and stays with her the entire night.


Chapter six is done ✔️ Jessie has lots of stitches 😭 Edward is a dead man if he ever shows his face again.

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