🔶️Chapter Nineteen🔶️

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It was Harry's funeral, and Bella wasn't around. Jessie stayed near Charlie, Ashley, Paul, and Seth the entire time. Leah was too angry for Jessie to go near, and Paul never left Jessie's side. Seth made his way over to Jessie despite having no imprint bond or reason to be near her.

She has always been his friend and his anchor," Hey Seth do you want a Jess hug?" Jessie says softly. "Please?" Seth pleads sadly and Jessie hugs Seth as he hugs her tightly.

"Let's go and say goodbye, Seth," Jessie says softly." I don't want to, I just want him to come home," Seth cries softly." He's never far away Seth not really," Jessie says softly kissing Seth's head.

Paul, Jessie, Seth, Charlie, Ashley, Leah, and Sue all sat in the front as the funeral went on, everyone was saying their goodbyes and they lowered their heads to Harry."Let's all have something to eat and drink now and raise a toast to Harry," Billy says with a soft smile.

Everyone began to sit down and drink and eat," Harry Clearwater I hope you find peace in the other life, we got it from here," Sam says with a smile. Jessie lay in Paul's arms and he kept her close to him. The funeral went well and everyone headed home.

The next day, the pack was all at the beach and two people came to the beach. Leah bumped into the older boy," Hey! Why don't you-" Leah says angrily but stops when she sees him and imprints on him." I'm Liam Blake, and this is my baby sister, Mavis," Liam says with a smile.

"Leah, and that my baby brother Seth," Leah says softly smiling. Seth looks up to see a girl looking at him and imprints on her." I'm Mavis Blake nice to meet you," Mavis says with a soft smile.

"Seth nice to meet you too!" Seth says softly." Would you and your brother like a tour around the beach?" Seth offers." We'd like that! We're new around here," Mavis says with a smile. Seth and Leah took the Blake siblings on a tour and Rhea smiled," She'll be okay now she's got Liam just like Seth will be okay," Rhea notes.

"Jasper, Emmett what are you two going to do when they return as they will come back when Edward sees she's alive?" Jacob wonders.

"No idea, we'll just stay in wolf form around then and not think," Emmett chuckles." Good point," Jessie chuckles. Charlie and Ashley came to the beach to get Jessie and Bree.

Jessie and Bree are more like siblings than step-cousins," Ready girls?" Charlie says with a smile." Ready!" Jessie/Bree says with a smile.

"We are away for a while okay?" Ashley says with a smile." But?" Jessie says." It's just to give Leah and Seth time to be okay and for us to have some time together as a family okay?" Charlie says softly.

Jessie nods and the girls head home to go to Ruby Beach for a few days to relax and enjoy some family time together. Quil has just phased and imprinted on Morgan straight away and now the pack had three new wolves to deal with.

Chapter 19 is done ✔️ Brady and Colin are the next two to phase! So they will phase soon and imprint at school!!

Sorry for such short chapters lately kind of a filler for the action part of the book!

The Cullens return next!!

Jessie and Bree have only gone away for a short while!!

Happy for Leah, Quil, and Seth?

11 chapters left!!

Jessie Swan- Paul Lahote Fanfic 🐺Where stories live. Discover now