🔥Chapter Nine 🔥

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Jessie stood with the pack as Ashley and Bree came with Emmett and Jasper." I assumed Paul told you what I'm about to do?" Ashley says with a look." Yes madam," Sam nods before looking at Emmett and Jasper.

"We are going to welcome you two with open arms," Sam says with a smile." Glad to hear that Sam and we are ready to help you out anytime," Jasper says politely.

"Are you both ready for this?" Ashley asked." We are," Emmett/Jasper nods in response. Paul picked Jessie up and Sam, Rhea, Jared, and Luna were all standing there as well.

"Emmett and Jasper I strip both of you of your vampire state and give you back your lives starting from the ages of sixteen and I give you wolves as part of your new lives. But before I do, Do you accept?" Ashley asked firmly as her powers shined in her hands.

"Yes, we do accept this," Emmett/ Jasper says at the same time." Good," Ashley says with a smile. A red glow goes around the two as Ashley enchants the spell, "Isti homines de sua civitate lamia spoliant et vitam suam restituunt ante annos sexdecim et lupum Shapeshifter convertunt," she finishes and Emmett and Jasper collapse on the floor in pain.

"Jasper! Emmett!" Jessie cries out," It's okay Jessie," Ashley says softly." Sam, help them let the wolf in," Ashley tells Sam." Emmett, Jasper, listen to me, let the wolf in get angry, and let it in," Sam says firmly. Both Emmett and Jasper let the anger take over and they phase into wolves.

Their wolves-

Emmett's wolf was all black and Jasper's wolf was a mixed colour wolf

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Emmett's wolf was all black and Jasper's wolf was a mixed colour wolf." Beautiful, Bree says softly Jasper turns his head to Bree and he imprints on her." He's yours Bree, Jasper is your forever," Ashley says with a smile.

Jessie wiggles out of Paul's arms and goes to Emmett's side, "Don't worry Emmett we can go and find you forever," Jessie says softly smiling at him. Sam Wolf appears next to them and nudges both Jasper and Emmett to change back.

"Now I understand Jessie got hurt," Ashley says with a smile." I did, and I still hurt now," Jessie says softly." Show me and I can heal it up," Ashley says. Jessie takes her top off and Ashley puts her hand on Jessie's back.

"haec vulnera sana et nullas cicatrices relinquit," Ashley whispers and the wounds heal up leaving no scars behind."I feel better now," Jessie grins happily." Good," Ashley says with a smile.

Charlie arrives to see a happy Jessie, "Ready to come home, Jess?" Charlie says with a smile." Uh-huh, can Paul visit soon?" Jessie smiles. In a few days yes, let's have some time together ey?" Charlie winks."Hey Charlie, are we okay to pop by later on?" Ashley says with a smile.

"Of course," Charlie nods and he and Jessie head home for the afternoon." How is your back now?" Charlie asks softly." Better a lot better," Jessie says softly smiling."Good did Auntie Sue sort them out then?" Charlie asks." Uh-huh, and Ashley did too," Jessie grins.

Jessie and Charlie get home, and head inside." Jess come with me as I made you a safe place for you to go into and relax when you are overwhelmed," Charlie says leading Jessie to her safe place.

Jessie's safe place-

Jessie begins to explore the room and the safe space

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Jessie begins to explore the room and the safe space." I love it! It's all mine?" Jessie says with a smile." Yep all for you Jess," Charlie grins."Thank you," Jessie says softly hugging Charlie as he hugs her back.

"You're welcome, now what would you like for dinner?" Charlie says softly kissing her forehead. Jessie thinks about it for a couple of minutes," Macdonalds?" Jessie wonders." You got it kiddo," Charlie says gently.

"When is Ashley and Bree coming around?" Jessie wonders." About five so we can wait for them to come around and order food then if you want?" Charlie says." We wait for them to come around and have food together," Jessie says. "Okay, so Scooby doo movies till then?" Charlie says softly.

"Can I go to sleep for a bit? I'm quite tired now," Jessie says softly smiling." Of course, go to sleep and I'll wake you in about an hour," Charlie smiles softly. Jessie nods and falls asleep in her safe place for a while. Charlie checks on Bella who is still ignorant and ignores him and everyone else.

Jessie wakes up in time for Bree and Ashley to turn up and makes her way down the stairs. Charlie opens the door and Bree enters first," Hi Jess, everyone sends their hellos and Paul said he'll be around on the night," Bree whispers in Jessie's ears." Come upstairs as I have something new in my room," Jessie says pulling Bree upstairs.

Jessie shows Bree her new safe place," so pretty, I love it," Bree comments." You should stay with me here and we can watch Scooby doo movies all night under her," Jessie says softly smiling at her." I'll ask my mom," Bree says with a smile." Let's ask now!" Jessie shouts pulling Bree downstairs towards Charlie and Ashley." Can Bree stay over?!" Jessie asks softly.

Ashley looks at Charlie who's looking at her." It's up to you but you know Bella's screaming at night and I don't want to disrupt Bree's sleep," Charlie says with a soft smile." I can do something about that, give me a minute," Ashley says with a knowing smile that both Jessie and Bree pick up on.

Ashley walks upstairs to Bella's door and thinks of a spell that silences the room and no one in the house or outside hears Bella's screaming."Hoc conclave silet, nemo intra domum et foris clamores suos audiat," Ashley whispers. The door glowered red showing the spells working and Ashley grinned before walking downstairs.

"Sorted we can stop tonight if you want us Charlie," Ashley says with a smile."Please, Charlie?" Jessie asked softly smiling." Alright then, you three want pizza or takeout?" Charlie says with a smile." Take out and I'll pay for it," Ashley says with a smile." I can't and you to do that," Charlie says." I want to," Ashley says with a smile.

Ashley ordered takeout and the girls curled up to one another and Ashley ended up leaning against Charlie who held her close.

Jasper and Paul went on patrol together with one another for the first time and watched over their two imprints.

Charlie had a peaceful night with no screaming from Bella and Jessie was dreaming of Paul and she misses him loads.

Chapter nine is done ✔️ Emmett and Jasper are now wolf pack members for good! Ashley silenced Bella's room and healed Jessie's back ❤️

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The next chapter is the Pack Down the Beach!

Emmett imprints on Angela Webber 😱

Bella makes an appearance with Jessica as they hang out with one another.

Who is happy for Emmett and Jasper to have a new life?

Do we like Ashley's character?

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