💜Chapter Twenty-Six💜

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It's been three weeks since the newborn battle and the loss of Edward, Bella, and Alice. Jessie was with the pack as Charlie was finishing up the paperwork at the station.

Charlie had a ring in his desk drawer and he saw Ashley working across from him and made the decision to ask her to marry him when he took her out for dinner tomorrow night.

Jessie was watching her tablet with Paul when the phone rang." Hello?" Rhea says." She is here yes? Who's asking?" Rhea asked looking at Jessie." Riley, the same Riley who brought her home?" Rhea responds. Jessie turns around after hearing Riley's name," Can I talk to him?" Jessie asked with a soft smile.

"She wants to talk to you," Rhea says passing the phone to Jessie." Riley!!" Jessie says happily." Hey Little one, I'm safe I'm in Alaska with a coven, I'm just calling to see if you are okay and all better," Riley says with a smile."I'm okay, and you left without saying goodbye?" Jessie says softly.

"I had to, a group of vampires who are like law enforcers were coming and I had to leave, but I'll come back one day or you can come to see me when you are older," Riley says softly.

"I'd like that, be safe will you Ri?" Jessie asked softly." Always go and live your life Jess, I'll see you around," Riley says."Okay bye Ri," Jessie says softly." Bye Jess," Riley says hanging up.

Paul went to Jessie's side," I'll take you there one day," Paul said." I want to thank him personally," Paul says with a soft smile."He was very sorry for separating us and he was trying to get me home," Jessie says softly smiling at Paul."At least he was trying," Paul says with a smile.

Jessie nods in agreement and Liv and Morgan are now twelve years old so they are out celebrating their birthday with Jake and Quil. Everyone was now enjoying their lives and ready to start something new with their lovers or friends.

Ashley was here to collect Jessie as she wanted to take her to Port Angeles for a shopping spree," Hi Jessie time to go as I need to go shopping," Ashley says with a smile."Okay coming!" Jessie says softly and packs her things up." Bye everyone," Jessie waved goodbye as everyone who was at the house waved goodbye.

Ashley puts Jessie in her car," So me and you are going shopping is that okay?" Ashley says with a smile." Yeah, can I get things for me, you, Bree, and the pack?" Jessie wonders." Of course," Ashley grins. They got to Port Angeles and began their shopping.

Jessie saw wolf teddies and they looked like Paul's wolf."Do you want to get them, Jess?" Ashley asked. "Please?" Jessie asks shyly."Let's get them then," Ashley grins as Jessie nods and they head inside to buy the wolf teddies.

Jessie and Ashley head into a clothes shop. Jessie looks at the blue, red, and purple clothes for herself and Ashley nods in confirmation to get them if she wants them."I don't like dressing too girly," Jessie admits."That's fine, go for whatever you want" Ashley tells her.

Jessie picks up about five clothes sets and gets a massive gift for the pack to have all together." Right, that's us done, let's head home where I'm doing pizza, chips, and ice cream sundaes for dinner. Is that okay?" Ashley says with a motherly tone of voice." Yes, I would like that and thank you for taking me shopping," Jessie says softly smiling.

Ashley smiles and heads home, Charlie was calling Rhea to ask if she wouldn't mind having Jessie tomorrow evening till Sunday evening as he was going to ask Ashley to be his wife.

Rhea instantly agreed and Charlie booked a restaurant table at Ashley's favourite restaurant. The girls came back and Ashley got on with dinner and dessert. Jessie snuggled into Charlie's arms for the first time in ten months and they watched Coraline together and enjoyed their time together.

Jessie went to bed after dinner, dessert and a bath with Wanda. Paul was guarding her room below the window and he made good on his promise to never let her be alone not after being taken away from him and being ill to the point where he was collapsing.

Jessie felt like everything was going to be okay and good from now on. Paul made contact with the Denali Coven in Alaska and requested that he and Jessie come and see Tanya and Riley for a bit which they agreed to. Paul was going to keep it a surprise from Jessie and he was going to bring Emmett and Jasper with him so Denali could see two familiar faces too.

Chapter 26 is done ✔️ Jessie will go and see Riley when Charlie and Ashley go on their honeymoon ❤️

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