Chap 1

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I couldn't help but gaze at the palm wine tree situated at the left side of the exterior compound. Ma was in the kitchen at the backyard, boiling hot water she'd use for bathing. Pa was out, probably, with a woman right now. Titilayo and Emeka were making sandcastles with clay soil. Titi was 7 while Emeka was 9. And I was 14 clocking 15 next month.

"Adejoke! Adejoke!" Ma called.

I didn't answer....I didn't like mom that much tho. I felt lonely and I really never wanted to talk to Ma.

"Brother Ade, Ma's calling you"
"Adejoke! Adejoke!" Ma hollered.
"I'm coming!" I yelled.

I went to her in anger, murmuring inaudible words to myself. Anger, pain, hunger and hate stitched round my internal body, mind and soul. I felt pity for my siblings who haven't eaten since morning. I felt so indebted to them. I wanted to shower them with love, care and attention which they've never ever received.

"Yes Ma!"
"Idiot, I called you four times! Where were you?" She yelled.
"Was at the corridor!"

Just then, Titi ran up to me and said
"Brother Ade, we're hungry!" Her chocolate brown eyes boring into mine.

I hated it when my lil sister says such. I hated Pa and partially hated Ma. I wanted to run away or just wished a rich man would come claim me as their long lost son. I swear, I wouldn't vex for the fact that I was abandoned and subjected to poverty.

"Ma, we're hungry!" I calmly said, repeatedly slapping my feet to the earth.
"I got no money on me boy, you're of age. you should get out there and start bringing in cash. you know my condition. I'm a dancer at a night club. your dad doesn't care." Ma cried as she wiped her tears with the back of her hands.
"I hate both you and Pa" I cried emotionally stressed.
"Come on, I do this for you guys.....I had to lower my standards 'cause I love you guys.... the last money on me is for my transport fare to the club. you know I wouldn't think twice spending the money on foodstuffs" Ma cried, breaking into streams of tears.
"I'm sorry!" I cried, hugging her.

My heart broke seeing those tears. I never wanted her to cry.I knew her as a strong woman. She never acted like she was abused by dad.
Pa was a plumber and a fisherman. He earned enough to sustain the family but unfortunately, it went to a not-supposed-place Women! Drinks! Cigarettes!
What could poor Ma do! She had to fend for both herself and her kids. She was a dancer and was paid little that could only last for either dinner, breakfast or lunch.
Ma tears melted every hidden and obvious hatred I had for her. I had to imagine myself in her shoes.

"Ma, I'm sorry. I'm never going to say that sentence again". I apologized, holding her by the cheeks.

Ma untied the edge of her wrapper and gave me a hundred Naira note.

"For you and your siblings" she said, getting up from her big mortar and going into the bathroom with her warm water.
"Are you going on foot?" I asked curiously.
"I'll hit you..... you once said you were hungry!" She yelled with a small smile.
"Have you eaten?" I asked.
"Titi warn your brother or I'll hit him." She yelled.
"Bro Ade, let's go! Thank ma!" Titi said, pulling my hands.
"Thank ma" I thanked her, went out of the compound to buy us a loaf of bread that'll be enough for us.

Ma was Yoruba and Pa was Igbo....

After the incident between I and ma....I realized ma wasn't at fault at all. Pa was the problem. I wish I'd kill him and sell off his damned properties. But then, I recalled ma's words about looking for a job..... that could help!

What would I do? Fishing? Farming? Singing? Bar boy?
Well, repeatedly, my friends had complimented my voice and my singing skills and rapping skills. they said it could earn me lots of cash. But it was useless now, wasn't it?
I had to farm, fish or serve drinks In a bar.

"Titi and Emeka! I'll be back...... need to fix some stuffs and do not misbe....."
"have!" They chorused.
"I want to follow you!" Emeka said.
"Me too!" Titi coed.
"I first said it.... Titi stay indoors.... you're a girl!" Emeka blared.
"No, I'm the baby here so, I'll go with him and you sit ya ass in there and maybe play with my doll." She retorted.

I really hated seeing my siblings in disunity. I wanted  them to love and cherish each other.

"Enough! No one's coming with me, ok?"
"Ok!"they said.
"Titi, remember ma asked you to wash the plates and sweep the houses"
"I still got that in here.... don't remind me. Mr. reminder." She yelled, pointing to her head.
"I wanna go search for a job." I said, running out of the compound.

Now the search for a job starts!

Chapter one done and dusted!
What you think of  Ma?
What you think of Pa?
They the best parents?
We do pray not to have such parents or do you?
If you don't chip in a comment I'd assume you pray for such parents?

Ok..... what you think of chap one?
Nice enough, huh?
I was actually 13+ writing this.....does it look immature?

I wanna know how y'all feel about it nd stay tuned for chap 2.............. Have A nice day😘😘😘

Your favorite teen authoress......

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