Chap 6

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The next evening I was in the bar.... but the awkward situation seemed confusing.... almost like, sixteen eyes were boring into mine with a disgusted expression. Which got me feeling a kind of, keyed up, confused and alert!

"I can't believe you could do something despicable" Mr. Akinbiyi yelled, pointing at me.

He came up to me and whacked me thrice across the face.

"What have I done, sir?" I asked, caressing my cheeks.

I was puzzled and I looked at my boss for clarification.

"What was my crime?" I bawled, my hands on my cheeks, as I stared at Bimpe who gave me the 'sorry' look.

I was getting confused, could someone just tell me what was going on because I was getting keyed up..

"We found bundles of money missing from yesterday, in the bag you brought in here and hid it just like the criminal you are! You thought we wouldn't find out, huh?" Paul, the waiter, who've always hated me from the beginning asked.
"Money? In my bag? which bag?" I asked, alarmed.
"You remember this bag? your bag! thief! swindler!" Ebube yelled, slapping the bag to my face.
"Ade! Who got the bag? and the money?" Mr. Akinbiyi, who was losing patience asked, standing akimbo.

They all are crazy. This must be a prank.

"Its my bag... buh I have no idea where the hell the money came from....I promise." I said trembling, as I stared at Bimpe, who I thought would at least, try defend me. Everything seemed so like, a dream. I was mad at everybody, especially, Bimpe!
"Sir, recall throughout my stay here yesterday night, you weren't looking for no money.....and now, you're accusing me? so what if the money was found In my bag? was I too stupid enough to go home without the money? I......"
"Shut up! We saw you leaving home worried the same time the money was missing..... so it all points to you!" Ayomide screamed.
"Ade! get out of my sight before I call the police...I never want to see you here again! out!" Mr. Akinbiyi yelled.
"I don't wanna work where I ain't treated right anyways!" I yelled in anger leaving the bar, attracting attention of the customers to myself.

At some distance, I felt someone walking behind me. Knowing who it was, I walked faster. I already hated her.

"Stop please!" She called out.

I abruptly stop still, cursing myself mentally for stopping.

"Ade! I'm....."
"Its Adejoke" I interrupted rudely.
"I'm sorry!"
"For what? For framing me up? How could I have trusted you? You told me yesterday....."I'd like us to talk after the performance!" I looked all over you.... and you repaid me with this setup.... really? You're such a selfish human!" I yelled, walking off, but was held on the wrist.
"I'm sorry! I was threatened.....I'm sorry....I came to apologize, please forgive me....I didn't just go for the setup stuff..... but because I would've lost my dignity, if I didn't do it!" She said, breaking down.
"Whatever! Just go back! We'd never see after today." I said, giving her a kiss on the forehead.
"Can I have your number?" She asked, wiping her tears.
"I don't own a phone" I replied, ashamed of myself.
"This my contact, you can call me anytime and thanks for forgiving me and I'm really sorry for what I did....I feel so ashamed of myself right now." She said, handing me a piece of paper, hugging me and then placing a kiss on my cheek.
"Go back! Wait for me, I'll be back for you tho" I ordered, wiping those tears away from her eyes.
"Bye! Seems like it hurts to say goodbye!" She said.
"Bye!" I bade, turned around and then walked back home.

On reaching home, Titi was with a boy her age, who had promised to teach her academically since she wasn't schooling. The Stupid so-called father of mine. Send his kids to school... No! he refused. He said we'd waste his money. When, I have money I'd put them in the best school. She looked happy with the little dude. I went up to them.

"So is Titilayo Misbehaving?" I asked, with the intention of infuriating Titi.
"You're back? And by the way I'm Titi, not Titilayo.... you're embarrassing me!" she yelled with a blush.

Was she crushing on him? She's just seven! Children of nowadays!

"We got the word Titi from Titilayo...... so that means you're Titilayo the last time I checked" I said.
"Leave us let us study or you teach me.....Go inside.... take your bath and eat your food.... you hear?" She said authority laced in her voice.
"Stop acting like my mom!" I said feigning anger.
" Mom never cares!" she said with a small smile.
"Shut up and study!" I yelled.

I went into the house and then to my room and lay on the bed. Now, I was getting really angry. Ayomide and Paul must be crazy! I get she was threatened and all but younno! I suddenly, remembered the piece of paper she gave me. I dipped my hands inside my pockets, but couldn't find them. I searched for the paper In my shorts pocket and my shirt's pocket but couldn't find them.

"Dang it!" I yelled hitting the wall.

I had to go find myself a job...I can't stay at home. My job hunting began and fortunately, I found a job as a singer in one of Mr. Akinbiyi's competitors bar in the streets. I'd work from 6pm to 11am..... nice and less stressful...I told them that I'd start working immediately.
Once it was 6 on the dot, I commenced with my singing but this time about heartbreak. I was so emotional that I got tears on my face. The customers all felt like they were all on an emotional rollercoaster. The sang along with me, while some sprayed notes on me. I was signaled by my new  employer, Mr. Cole a white, to stop cause it was time. I was paid and I left for home. I was in pain, I mean, I'm never gonna see Bimpe ever again. As usual, I walked home but stopped at a nearby restaurant to buy some alcohols to calm my nerves.

The guy's been mistreated......I felt for him tho...ok!

stay tuned for chap 7....... love y'all😘😘💟💟.

Your favorite teen authoress.💞💞.....

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