Chap 18

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Now at the bar, I was taken to the manager. She was an Egyptian, very very friendly. Miss Mira, she was so beautiful and had a tiny body with a very broad hips, which she flaunted in her macro fitted skirt making her look sultry. She asked me to sit with a gummy smile, exposing her diamond braces.

"Hello Mr. Adejoke.... I'm Mira, daughter and manager to the owner of the company."
"Nice meeting you!" She said handing me a form.

She interviewed me and took me to where I could prepare for my music.....a music room.
I had to practice and before 6pm, I was done. I was told to go on stage and perform. And as usual, I let out my golden voice, as I sang. Foreigners from round the world like Algeria, Egypt, London, Kenya, Nigeria, Mozambique, Toronto and Zambia and others. All sat in a neatly arranged garden chair, staring at me in amazement. Some approached me giving me cheques both in dollars, pounds, euros and local currencies.

Idc, buh my account's gonna be  biggerly (idc if that's a word) enlarged and bigger.

I sang both in Igbo, Yoruba, pidgin and English language. it clocked 11:30pm and was dismissed.I arrived home, the house was dead silent....all was apparently, asleep. I went to my room, it was dark.....strange. I groped around for the control switch with my finger and when I caught a hold of it, I switched  the lights on.

And to my surprise, I saw two two fledged ladies on my bed..... Eva and what's that her name again, Lucy.... yeah.

"What you doing here?" I asked, with a deep frown.
"She wanted a sleepover, and she also us a ticket to a movie!" Eva replied, excitedly.
"Hi Ade!" Lucy greeted.
"Eva! You're not doing the while girly shit in my room, are you now,huh? You've promised not to do this shit.... if you want the whole room... you can have it and I'll go find me an apartment..Just stop doing this sleepover stuffs In my room" I yelled, throwing the keys to my bike on my bookshelf.
"Chill, I thought you'd be happy" Eva snapped angrily.
"Happy? For invading my space? Don't tell me that? For Christ's sake. This ain't a girl's room." I snapped.
"You not yelling at me, are you?" She screamed.
"Guys! Its okay! I'll leave!" Lucy said, trying to calm us down.
"You going nowhere! Let's go to my room!" Eva said, wiping the tears streaming down her eyes.
"Eva! I'm sorry!" I apologized.

Why are women so freaking emotional? Why'd they always cry like a baby?

"let's go!" She yelled, taking Lucy by the hand and storming out of the room to hers.
"Eva, you can stay!" You acting childish!" I said, going after her.
"Eva, I can still go home!" Lucy said guiltily.
"Eva! Eva! Please! I'm sorry!" I said running towards her to prevent her from slamming the door to my face.

But I was late.... she slammed the door right onto my face. I went to room in anger and then into the shower.

The next morning, I got up and searched around Lucy wasn't at home same with Eva. Mrs. Maya probably, had gone to Turkey for a business trip this morning. Abam was whining that I ride him to school that he was late. I rode him to school and rode myself to school too. School hours hadn't began. So I was counted fortunate for not arriving late. I went in to the class and saw Eva face down on her desk. Lucy was so engrossed in the books she was scoring as the class captin.

"Hi Ade!" Helen greeted with a gummy smile.
"Hmm, Lucy said you got the highest mark on yesterday's class test." She said, fumbling with her braids.
"That's good!"
"Would you mind tutoring me?" She asked.
"Er mm"
"Thanks" She said, not waiting for me to either respond negatively or positively.

She forced me to a student chair, then hers close to mine brought out a maths textbook and opened it to a random topic.
"Teach me" she would nag.

"I'll be back" I said, standing up and walking to Eva's seat, after stealing a hundred glance at her.

"Eva, I'm sorry! I promise, you can call every one of your friends to sleepover at my room, I wouldn't complain!" I apologized, squatting.
"leave me alone!" She screamed, drawing attention of our classmates to us.
"That's not enough reason to humiliate me, I was being nice" I said, humiliated.
"Just get out!"
"I'm going.... whatever!I tried apologizing when its your fault. Fine! I'm leaving!" I said, storming out of the classroom.

Guess I'm gonna ditch school for the whole of today!

I went out of the school premises in the pretense of being sick. I really, was feeling stressed. I couldn't eat yesterday night because of her. I guess I'm a burden on the family. I make my own money, bought my own car and bike, a local singer, have the seven digits in my bank account and a handsome dude girls who'd pay to spend the night with.
I needed my own apartment and I was gonna move out today and now. I searched online and found out an apartment which was surprisingly, close to the bar and I paid for it. I got my belongings in my luggages and got them right into my car and left for my apartment.

Don't worry, about Mrs. Maya. I had to fabricate a lie. I texted her that I needed an apartment close to the bar and I paid for one. Then, she made me swear that I'd visit, at least, twice a week. I lay on the bed of the beautiful apartment I got. It was spacious and it was self-contained. I collapsed on the bed and thought about the people who I've met in my life..... my first crush Bimpe, Ma, Pa, Titi, Emeka, Mrs Maya, Abam and Eva.

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