Chap 24

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One afternoon, Eva and I decided to go for a walk because according to her, we were slowly drifting away from each other due to the nagging Kiera, my musical career and going tours in different countries in order perform my first hit single.

"Ma'am, miss Kiera said that she's sick and that she needs help" one of the servants announced, slightly bowing.
"Have she taken any drugs?" I asked.
"No sir, she refused." She replied, bowing again.

I ran upstairs, Eva following me behind with a look I couldn't decipher. We went upstairs to meet a wincing Kiera.

"Kiera, what's wrong?" I asked honestly worried.
"I.....I......I.... need to go...... to..... the.... the... hospital." She said, sweating.

Maybe, she was really sick.

"Eva! Eva!" I called out.
"You got to get water for your sister. Don't just stand there. We don't know if its serious!" I screamed.
"She's my twin, I know her to well if she's pretending." Eva mumbled.
"Eva, just shut up and get the water" I squawked.
"Eva..... Please....I...I....need the water!" Kiera cried, tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Stop this act girl!" Eva yelled.

I was really angry.. she practically saw her sister, twin at that, beg for water and she wasn't moved to pity. She was only concerned about our being together which permanently blinded her love for her sister.

"Eva! I can't believe you.... no sympathy!" I yelled, calling a maid to get the water as I called our personal doctor to come over.

And from that day, Eva, from my own perspective was a vilain amongst us. I started to distance myself from her. I'd pick on her on every little matter. Kiera was getting better tho, I helped her by giving her meds and feeding her while her personal maids did the rest. Throughout the rest of the week, Eva would always keep telling me to stay away from Kiera that she was trying to jeopardize our friendship.

"Why should I? Are you jealous? Eva, you're not the Eva I once knew. you've changed Eva. you've changed. You don't care anymore." I said, In my nineteen years old indignation.
"Ade, you don't understand. Kiera is my twin. We basically grew up together. She'd go to any lengths to get what she wants." She cried, cupping my cheeks.
"I don't wanna listen!" I howled, flapping her hands away from my cheeks.
"Ade, it used to be the both us.... we bickered, yes, but it was healthy and it always strengthened our bond. But then she came, and you've not been yourself anymore" she blubbered.
"I don't wanna talk to you" I said, signaling the driver to get into the car.
"Ade sweetie" Kiera called out smiling approaching me.
"Where have you been?' I asked holding her by the waist, in order to upset Eva.
"My room" she smiled, lustfully giving me a peck on the cheek.
"I don't wanna go late! So bye"
"Bye baby" Kiera said, smiling as she wagged her hands up in the air.

I had already dropped my first album "Talkless" which shook the world. I was recognized globally. Every musician wanted me on their music. not to brag, but money was not a problem. But I felt that my happiness was incomplete yet. I was done schooling got my results which were pretty good, same with both Eva and Kiera. We were living good. I was focusing on my career now but I needed to see Ma and Pa. I needed to show Pa that a rejected stone was definitely gonna be a chief cornerstone one day. I wanted to go home to real family. I had houses in Ghana, Atlanta, Georgia, India and Texas. but none in Nigeria, my country home at that. Mrs Maya was on a vacation in Paris. Abam was schooling abroad. Eva and Kiera both insisted on living with me. Their were servants, drivers, personal assistants and the rest at Mrs Maya's beck and call. But what about ma? She was not eating the fruit of her labor. I would ask myself why I felt like I was empty when I had the love from friends, Eva and Kiera and my fans. I needed to go to Nigeria.
I made plans to leave Nigeria. I bought lots of gifts for Ma, Emeka and Titi.

"So you'd be living tomorrow. I really gonna miss you" Eva said, giving me a weak smile.

I guess, I miss her smiles..... she rarely does that.

"Yeah, I really need to see my family"
"When will you be back?" She said, trying her possible best not to break down.
"You don't have to cry Eva.... I'll be back in a week or two... depends tho" I said, hugging her.

"Ade, I..... what you guys doing?" Kiera yelled.
"Kiera! Calm down!" Eva said, looking scared.... scared?

Kiera wasn't taking any of that. She ran up the stairs to her room like a cheetah. I ran up to her, but was late because the door was locked.

"Kiera! Kiera! Open up! Hope you're alright?" I screamed, with concern.
"Kiera! I'm sorry... please, don't hurt yourself." Eva cried.
"Eva, I don't wany talk to you cause you are a pathetic desperate chicken.... get lost!" Kiera cursed.
"I'm sorry Eva, but I think you should just leave.... would lessen the situation and your sister wouldn't harm herself... alright? Please don't be mad at me." I begged.
""I understand, I'll leave" she said, biting on her lips as tears rolled down her cheeks.
"Eva, I'm sorry!"

She didn't utter a word. I knew she was hurt and all but I was in a tight corner. I couldn't do anything. she was right,  Kiera was here to separate us. We never got along anymore. The carefree Eva was now a quiet somebody, she rarely smiles. I was gonna make things right.

"Kiera! Open the door or I'm finna leave!" I screamed.
"Alright baby"

The Door was jerked open, revealing Kiera in a red nightgown. Her hair made in a buns. And she smelled real nice.

"I thought....." I was interrupted by the hard pull I got from Kiera, pushing me to her bed and then locking her room. She threw the keys on her nightstand as she approached me.

That Kiera of a girl..... she'd pay dearly for making Eva cry. How dare she make Eva cry? Ade just realized that Kiera was a relationship terminator........ silly boy!

Love y'all😘 and stay tuned for chap 25

Your favorite teen authoress🔰📑........

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