Chap 19

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Guys! Lucy's POV would be included in this chap...... enjoy your chap❤📑

Laying on the bed, I regretted coming to Ghana, regretted not giving in to Helen's request and not teaching her. Who the hell those Eva think she is? Does she think I can't live without her? Well, duh, I came into this world without her. I ordered myself pizza, but go no appetite for it. I was practically stressed out and needed rest. I needed to deep clean. Might take my mind off Eva, right? I had the room cleaned up and kept my belongings in place. Ordered some furnitures, modern electric stuffs, a telly and the rest that can make your room, real boyish and dashing. Feeling stressed and sick, I dozed off.
I woke up to the "Intentions" by Justin Bieber and a pounding head ache.

"This stupid alarm! Its four already?" I yelled tossing the phone across the room.

I stood up from the bed and went in to shower and then I got dressed for work. I reluctantly, got on my bike and went to Abam's school to get him. I dropped him and told him that I already moved out and that I wasn't gonna live with them anymore. The poor boy literally, cried his eyes out.

"I'd visit you, I promise!" I said.
"Ok, take care of yourself cause you look sick and know that you'll always be my big bro, right? You'll pick me up from school everyday, right? You'll never ever leave me, right? Cause if you do, my classmates will laugh at me." He cried.
"They won't, and I'll pick  you up from school everyday....I promise." I promised, kissing him a goodbye on the forehead.

And as usual, I went to my workplace and did my job. People gave me gifts and cheques, some requesting a pic and others wanting an autograph. It would've felt nice if I wasn't feeling dizzy and weak. At the end of my performance, I went home to my new apartment and again dozed off to sleep.
One morning, I woke up with a really bad headache and a heavy lid. Nonetheless, I was determined to go to school just to look at my crush, cause its been a week now..... or maybe more than a crush. The meals I'd ordered were eaten a little or not eaten at all for the past week. Seeing the mess i created in the room, was a real turn off to me eating that morning. I was hungry but my system just wouldn't welcome no food into my tummy. I took a taxi, cause I was feeling weak to ride myself to school. I arrived at school with everybody looking my way.

Forgot to look myself in the mirror.

I was sweating like so bad, literally, drenching my hoodie. I walked to my seat, with my classmates staring at me, like I was a kid who just lost fifty pounds. I felt uncomfortable and dizzy. Lucy approached me, with a can of water while the others stared, including Eva.

"Are you alright?" Eva asked, her hands on my forehead.
"I'm good" I said, forcing a smile.

My whole body was vibrating and shaking, the sweating intensified.  The dizziness reaching at its peak of taking action.

"We need to call an ambulance!" Eva yelled, crying.
"Why do you care? You hate me, right?" I said, trying to stand, but fell instead and it all went black.

Lucy's POV
I could feel his presence, his scent... oh my God! Coconut and apple scented. I knew I was at fault for separating them. I didn't want them to separate and all. I was just tryna shoot my shot. seek Eva's friendship, get her the ticket to the most expensive cinema in town and then suggest a sleepover and this is where we are. Not the best of friends, but friends. and seeing, that she was a little crazy about Ade, made me lose interest in Ade. tho, I still liked him and all. I looked up to the doorway to see a pale looking guy, was skinny, obvious eye bags and a big dark circle around his eyes. His eyes bloodshot. He didn't look too well and presentable to me. I couldn't help but stare, the whole class were staring. He coughed, holding his chest, his sweats were damping a side of his hoodie and he was shaking like a dangled bell. I took out my water bottle and offered him a water.and he drank thanking me, but his sweat were dripping like water.

"Are you alright?" Eva asked, her hands on his forehead.
"I'm good!" He said, looking my way.

Tears trickled down his face. His hands on his head.
"Someone call the ambulance!" Eva yelled, crying.
"Why do you care? You hate me right?" He said, trying to stand but instead fell and lost consciousness.

When he lost consciousness, everyone one of us, were startled and panicking. I was panicking, same with Eva. She was shaking his lifeless body.

"Someone get water!" Barnabas screamed.

We sprinkled water on his face but hr didn't move an inch. Was he gonna die? No! We informed the principal who called an ambulance. He was rushed to the hospital. Eva was crying and blaming myself. Mrs Maya was called to the hospital. Every member of our class were present in the hospital, including biggy, who only sounded negative. Eva was crying her eye out blaming herself for starting up a silly fight between the both of them. The blame was partially mine too tho, for trying to come into Ade's life, like I owned it. I could've done something to stop them. It was my selfishness that led to this.
After tests conducted, it was revealed that he had malaria and hypochondriasis.

"Hypochondriasis?" Mrs Maya wept.
"Yeah.... am illness caused by much overthinking. It causes stress to the brains which weakens the flow of blood from circulating well enough" the doctor explained.
"When will he be okay?" Eva asked, wiping her tears.
"We never know, cause its a bit complicated" he said, leaving for his office.

Eva kept lamenting and crying while we all tried to console both her and Mrs Maya who also blamed herself for traveling.

"I'll stay here till he recovers" Eva said.
"Same" the girls said.
"We'll all be going" the school driver beckoned, as we all left.

Hi guys!

So I saw this joke on fb....... lemme share it!

Reader: oh my God! I love this character, wish he never dies.
Author: Then, death!🙏

So wait! Adejoke...... Is in the hospital?
And don't judge me while reading this.
This was the younger me idea and work.... this isn't older me..... tho, I had to change some as to look mature.
Ok, no destructive criticism(that's if I'm getting any)

love y'all😘 and stay tuned for chap 20

Your favorite teen authoress🔰📑........

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