Chap 28

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After much discussion from the family. I went up to my room. I really wanted to see Bimpe and her pretty face. I'd really want to see her today because I received a message from my PA(Personal Assistant) that I needed to be home by next week. I freshened up and put on my best shirts and one of the best jeans I got. I had my wrist watch, customized diamond signature neck chain sunglasses and my diamond bracelets on. I got into one of the cars and rode off to Mr Akinbiyi's bar. He was looking a bit old. But I could easily recognize him. Seeing me, people were taking pictures of me and yelling my stage name. Ok! I really regret not taking my guards with me.
I went into the bar and greeted him.

"Good evening sir"
"Evening boy!" He responded looking at me probably, wondering what the commotion was all about.
"I came to......"
"Frasix? Wait! Oh my God! Ade? I knew it! I knew it. I knew that someday you'd make it!" He screamed interrupting me.
"Thank you sir! Well, I actually came to ask you something...." I said but stopped, looking intently at the hourglass figure in front of  me trying to order ice cream but whined when she couldn't find her favorite flavor.
"What?" Mr Akinbiyi asked.
"I'll get back to you!" I said, approaching the figure I've so much wanted to see and touch.

"Hi" I greeted, my hands in my pocket trying to look cool.

She stopped whatever she was doing to look at me and when she did, oh my God. My breathing hitched, my eyes got too wide for my liking. My mouth opened and closed. possibly, it was too stunned to speak.

"Frasix?! Wait a minute!" She came close to me, looked me intently and then gasped.
"Ade!" She screamed. "I knew it, you looked familiar!" She squeaked.

I was still shocked at what I was seeing.... was it a dream? Someone should please wake me! She wasn't pregnant! Tell me she ain't pregnant.

"You're pregnant?" I gasped, feeling my heart break into many pieces.
"Yeah, I'm married."
"I asked you to wait for me" I whispered. trying not to attract attention and avoid drama on the Internet.

Ok! Why was I feeling sad? I was in love with only one person!

"I can explain!" She whispered back.

She took me to the an empty table and started;

"It all started when I was asked to set you up.....I was to choose between being raped and killing my hospitalized mom or setting you up. I couldn't possibly see my mother die after witnessing my fathers death.... just three months before my mom was been hospitalized for cancer. I had to frame you by sneaking into the store room, got your music bag and got the money into the bag, keeping at a place that was rarely used. After I did, I felt guilty really. But mom and the money promised was one I just couldn't turn down. So I did it. Then after that, the hospital kept nagging me that they needed money for an operation...I couldn't afford the money cause it was too expensive. But before then, there was this rich guy who was bothering me and was promising me marriage. I had to go to him for help. He said that he'd pay the money if I married him. I had no option, did I? The hospital said that she had a month more to live if I didn't provide the money for the operation. I agreed and we got married... so I'm with his child..I could've waited but I couldn't. It isn't my fault!" She explained, breaking down.
"So touching! I'm really sorry.... didn't know you had to pass through a lot, is your mom all good now?"
"She's dead.... she couldn't make it!" She said, sobbing now.
"I shouldn't have asked you that! I'm really sorry!" I asked, sympathy lapping every word I spoke.
"No, its not your fault! That was karma for setting up a good guy like you!" She said, trying to smile.
"So...... I'm sorry if I'm intruding into your personal space but I can't help it..... is your husband kind of younno........ hurting you in anyway?" I asked, scanning her body.

She looked healthy, wore designers, wearing a diamond ring and had the latest iPhone.

"Yeah! We're living happily at least. I couldn't ask for more" she said, lost in her own thought as she smiled unconsciously.

I snorted in annoyance, probably because I wasn't her first. Dang it! She was looking more prettier than the last time I saw her. The man really loved her. We exchanged contacts and bade each other a bye. I went up to Mr Akinbiyi and signed him a cheque.

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I was ready to leave for Ghana. Ma prayed for me. Titi and Emeka were crying. Pa was just normal! Juliana was asking that I spent more time so I'd take them to the new mall recently opened. Ma was giving me annoying advises... one such as 'do not fight! I need grandchildren and a daughter in-law! Mind how you spend your money, I see you like living an extravagant life! Don't do drugs! Don't sleep around with women! Focus on your career and get me grandchildren!"

annoying or not?

I waved them bye and got into the car which drove me to the airport. On the way to the airport, I got a call from Kiera.

"Hello!" She squeaked.
"How are you?" I inquired, totally uninterested in the call I was making.
"Excited! When are you gonna land?"
"I'm on the way to the airport!"
"Aright! Can't wait to meet you!"
"How's Eva doing?" There was a pause.
"She's good!" She replied rudely.
"I think I got to go off! Bye!"
"Bye sweetie!" I rolled my eyes at the nickname.

Eva hadn't called and I was really upset about that. I really missed her.

Love y'all😘 and stay tuned for chap 29

Your favorite teen authoress🔰📑........

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