Chap 14

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I went to Abam. He was staring at me with fear In his eye. I calmed him down and reassured him no snake would attack him if only he just slept. Within minutes, he fell asleep.

I was sweating and smelling...I needed to freshen up. so I went in to the bathroom and took my bath. I whistled my newly written song as I bath. After I was done. I went to my bedroom and surprisingly, I saw Eva In her pyjamas, sitting on the bed.

"I think I'll be spending the night here" she announced, looking round the room.
"Huh? hmm?" I asked surprised.
"Uhmm!" She said, trying to convey her message of the 'you-heard-me-right'.
"Buh I wanna dress!"
"Then do it" she retorted.

She really, is crazy. What was wrong with her? This is so unlike the Eva I know. I certainly ain't sleeping with her on the same bed. Its impossible. What if she got pregnant?

"Ok, I'll sleep in your room then" I said, tryna step out of the room.
"You dare'nt" she screamed.
"You wouldn't want to wake mom, would you?"
"Change in the bathroom then" she said, with a faint blush.

Was that a blush or was I hallucinating?

I went into the bathroom with my pyjamas and got dressed, out of the bathroom with my pyjamas on. I saw Eva making one side of the bed, while she made Abam stay in the middle. so that there was space for me to sleep on the bed. Ok, I'm extremely nervous. I've never ever, I repeat, never ever slept on the same bed with a girl who isn't my sister. and it wouldn't start today. I went to the wardrobe and took out the big blanket and comforter. I spread them on the  granite tiled floor and laid down, putting the comforter over me.

"Night" she cooed.
"Same" I said sleepily.

The next morning, I was up. I looked to the bed, but saw neither Eva nor Abam. I rushed downstairs and saw Mrs. Maya was munching her food, so was Eva and Abam.

"Morning mom! Really, I'm sorry that we were late yesterday." I apologized feigning sadness.
"No problem, she told me the reason why you guys were late and I ain't angry..... but I came to a conclusion, instead of sitting idle during the day, Eva I'm also talking to you!" Mrs. Maya said, staring at Eva who was munching noisily on her food.
"What? I'm listening!" She said, rolling her eyes.
"I was saying that I wouldn't want you guys to engage in some stupid acts, 'cause you're idle....I suggest you both get enrolled in school" she said, looking continuously at the both of us.

We groaned.
"Mom, you don't trust me? Which stupid acts? Mom! You enjoy embarrassing me?" Eva groaned, with this obvious, red blush appearing on her cheeks.
"You both are going to Eva's former school and its final..... any objections, my babies?" Mrs. Maya asked with a threatening smile.
"No mom!" We chroused.
"And there's this bike, I saw outside.... Ade, is it yours?" Mrs Maya asked.
"Yeah! Got it yesterday."
"Wow! You bought my favorite color, do you mind us swapping, you take my green bike, and I take your blue bike, good?" She said, laughing.
"No way, mamma!" I said, smiling.
"I'm hurt! Ok, fast Ade, you'll drop the king Abam at school..... he's almost late....... and after that, we're going to see the principal today, right?' She said, standing up.
"Ok mamma!"
"What's up with the mamma, huh?" She asked, laughing.
"You don't like it?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowed.
"Keep calling me that!" She said. going into her room.

I laughed, but my eyes met Eva's furrowed eyebrows.

"Why do I feel like you're taking my mom away from me,huh?"
"Are you guys taking me to school or not?" Abam screamed.
"Ok, let's go!" I said, taking him by the hands.
"On your pajamas?" Abam asked wide eyed.
"Yeah, so?"
"you want my classmates to laugh at me?"
"No" I said,placing him in front of the bike.

"Wait for me!" Eva screamed.
"What?" I screamed.
"I'll come with you guys!"
"You guys are obviously, nuts! Not on your pyjamas Eva. Go change. Deliver us God!" Abam prayed.
"Idiot!" Eva cursed, sitting behind me.
"Vroom vroom! Let's go" Abam screamed.

I started the bike and rode us to Abam's school...I waved us a bye. Then we went back home to prepare for admission into my new school. Eva prepared while I washed my bike.

"Come on guys, let's get going." Mrs. Maya screamed.
"seven minutes more" I screamed, putting on my deodorants.
"I'm done!" Eva screamed.

I ran down the stairs, seeing Eva's excited look.

"I'll show you my friends, you'd love them!" She squeaked.
"Let's go, no time for the chit chat" Mrs. Maya said, going for her black Lexus 300.

We all got into the car and she zoomed off.

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The school was a big one. The dark blue and creamy colored building, was like that of a skycrapper. The buildings situated inside a big compound. One building for the creche, nursery and primary students. The other was for highschoolers and the other was for laboratories, music room, computer room and the sport class.
Looking at the billboard situated  at the outside of the gate of the school was written "welcome to Belviks great school." We went in to see the principal. I saw three women inside the office, two were light skinned while, the other was brown. The light skinned ones had pointed noses like Ma. The tallest among the light skinned, had a grey set of eyes, while the other had a black eyes. The dark one had a golden wig on, and eyes as bluish as the Mediterranean sea. The three all had a healthy set of teeth that shone like snow on their painted lips. And as I had presumed, the dark woman, who in her late forties was the principal.

So Adejoke is already gonna be enrolled in school....
So what you have to say?
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Love y'all😘 and stay tuned💞💞......
Yo favorite teen authoress🔰📑.......

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