Chap 31

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"She's In my care. you don't have to worry about her" she smirked.

I couldn't contain it anymore. I didn't know if it was out of reflex, but I had to do what I had never done since my life. Hit a woman. I slapped her so hard that her head tilted to the left due to the impact of the slap.

"Where's your sister? People are down there waiting for us. We disappointed them yesterday and not today... where the heck is your sister, you psycho?" I yelled.
"You slapped me?" She asked, her palms on gt cheek.
"And I'll do it again"
"Well, I had to do what I did because I couldn't watch this lovely face of yours belong to some slut forever. I promise, if you lay a finger on me again I'll have get tortured to death. Call the police and never find her. understood?" She warned, laughing manically.
"Kiera, where's she?" I asked for the umpteenth time.
"I got a video of your queen"

Their was a notification on my iPhone. I clicked on it. It was a video of Eva. She was tied to a rocking chair. And it seemed like she was unconscious. She really was in a bad state. She was blindfolded and she had a cloth tied to her mouth.

"Kiera, she's your twin sister. I promise you if anything happens to her I'll...."
"You'll do what? Butcher me?" She snapped interrupting me.
"Kiera, please I want to see her. I'll do anything you want." I begged, dropping on my knees.
"Don't embarrass me baby.... I'd do anything for you.... on one condition, you'd have to block Eva out of your life or I'll kill her this time around. I'll release her once we're married." She stated.
"What?" I yelled.

I hesitated.


I followed her to the car with the guests murmuring after I told them that there was a problem. I couldn't believe Kiera would do so such a thing. We drove in silence and got to an completed building. It looked abandoned because there were lots of grasses by the sides of the building. There were many stairs to climb but I didn't mind.

"This way!" She ordered.

I followed her every step. Guards were stationed everywhere. They were tough looking. Ok! How on earth did I ever think of getting Eva out of their custody?
The security was tight.

"Eva, look who's here to see you! Surprise!" She yelled, walking towards Eva.

Eva looked up in pain. She couldn't talk because of the cloths tied to her mouth. she only mumbled.

"Kiera, I promised to find you a nicer man from Jamaica, Spain, Nigeria or even Ethiopia... please let us go!"
"Didn't you hear me? I said, I want you and you only!' She snapped, her grip on Eva's hair while Eva drooled in pain.
"Kiera let her be!" I shouted angered, running towards her.

I was held in a tight grip by her guards. I was fuming now. I wouldn't mind hitting her over and over again.

"She's my sister. I can do whatever I please to her." she said, pointing a gun to Eva's head.
"Kiera! No! You'll be jailed. Kiera please, think of Abam and your mom!" I said, fiercely struggling to get myself out of their grip.
"Let him go! He wouldn't make any mistakes, would he? He knows the consequences." She smiled.
"Calm down! Kiera! No!" I pleaded.
"You love her too much and love me too less...I wanna kill her and I'm gonna do that... because if I don't, she'd come in between us, right?" She cried, going for the trigger.
"No! no! That's not a child's toy.... You'll go to prison.... Kiera I'll marry you! I promise..... just don't!"
"Even if you marry...she'll be somewhere in the house trying to break us, why don't I send Eva far away from home and from this troubled world, huh?" She said, laughing maniacally.

There was a gunshot. Suspense and terror filled the air. My eyes were closed shut. I kept praying to God to not let it be because I'd die. I loved Eva. I'd die..... I'd die. I won't forgive Kiera... I'll kill her and kill both myself. I gradually opened my eyes but what I saw got me confused...... What happened? How did this happen?

Yeah, its short for a purpose...... to keep you in suspense duh!
What happened?
How did what happen?
damn! I'm scared!
I love Eva.... ion want her no death.
She ain't gon' leave me and Ade alone in this world.....
Kiera! How could you? You deserve death!
Who else is crying?

While reading this novel from its manuscript...I was awed.... like, damn! the younger me a ten, writically ( I know it ain't no word). Especially this part! I enjoyed this part the more.

So damn it..... I would've loved to hear your comments tho.... really sad.... that this iconic writing gonna go to waste....Whatever!

Love y'all😘 and stay tuned for chap 32

Your favorite teen authoress🔰📑........

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