Chap 29

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Finally,the plane landed. I could see everyone exit the plane and everyone running to hug their loved ones. Man! I had to disguise myself to avoid drama and attention. I clutched my bags along with me. Alert because I had no guards with me.

"I thought Kiera said she'd come pick me up. Well, never trust a woman. She's probably on her makeup" I said aloud.
"Were you looking for me?" A feminine voice asked, hugging me from behind.
"Yap! What took you so long? I'm very tired" I whined.
"Nothing, got in a traffic" Kiera explained, smiling.
"You look beautiful" I complimented with no feelings attached.
"Thank you" she blushed.

She was on a green wig styled into a ponytail, a light green shirt, her blue jeans which hugged her feminine feature and a blue flipflop. then her makeup.

"You got me no gifts....ouch! it hurts" she said, hands on her chest.

I rummaged through my bag and got out a gold luxury wrist watch.

"Awn thank you" she said, hugging me tightly.
"You're welcome!"
"Get into the car" she said.
"Please, don't kill me with your speed" I begged.
"Why won't I?" She teased.

I got into the car. She ignited the engines on, putting on 'strangers' by Kenya grace. I really wished I'd turn the music off because I was having headaches. Now I had much time to sleep. I couldn't. Before me lay a journey of five miles, an overland trek that would take me probably about four to five days or so. I wanted a girl in my life, Kiera was no fit. Eva was ok. But her sister was the problem. Really. who cares? Its my life. I choose to marry whoever I want to.

"We are home" she announced, jerking me out of my reverie.
"Oh, are we?" I asked, looking round the garage where the car was parked.
"It was such a long journey."

I got down the car and asked a servant to get in the luggage. I slowly entered the house. My heart was racing. I would be seeing Eva. I could hear the soft footsteps and the clanking of her anklets. She was in front of me now. She was looking beautiful, catchy, drop dead gorgeous, sexy and pretty and so many other adjectives used to qualify a pretty lady. She was on a macro flare tartan skirt and a crop top. She was obviously coming out from the kitchen because her hands and face were a mess, probably, from the flour. She looked at me with a excited look. I was like checking her out unconsciously.

"Erm, Hi! I didn't mean for you to see me like that. I was preparing food. didn't know you'd be back so soon" she said, blushing.

Which earned a snort from Kiera.

"How are you doing?" I asked, smiling immediately forgetting that I had a headache.
"I'm good... you? How was the trip? Did you meet your parents? Hope their good?" She asked excited.
"Yes, one question at a time... you ask so lots of question." I said, laughing.
"You should probably go up and rest!" Kiera snapped, realizing that she snapped. she bit on her tongue awkwardly smiling. Then, ran upstairs.

Eva smiled at me and consciously ran into the kitchen because her skirt was pretty short.
I went upstairs and lay on my bed. The muscles of my back and shoulders burned from long hours of journey. I freshened up and went to poolside sitting on the lounger as I went through my Insta feeds. I straightened my back and stretched my muscles taking a moment rest from the long journey as I immensely watched over the the sky and its bodies. The aroma of the fried plantains was lingering in the air. The sound of music from Kiera's room reverberated. From where I sat, Eva was frying the plantains while Kiera was dancing.

'I need grandchildren and a daughter in-law' I recalled ma's words. I smiled shyly, when the thought of Eva being my wife pooped in my head. But I was afraid of marriage. What if I was like Pa? What if she doesn't love me but my money? What if I hit her? What if I wasn't good enough and couldn't make her happy?

"Here!" Eva said, handing me a plate.
"You don't look good?" Eva asked, looking me over.
"I'm good... just stressed." I lied.
"I'll buy the lie!" She said.

She was in a more decent clothing now. A mid flare skirt and a tee.

"How's the food?" She asked.
"Nice! delicious!" I complimented.
"Boy, I had to go for cooking classes.... Yeah, don't remind me.... my food ain't that good!" She said, laughing.
"Sometimes you cook good and sometimes don't! Do you remember? Or should I remind you?" I asked winking at her.
"I said don't remind me that I almost burned down the kitchen, cause I was on my phone" she whispered yell, her brows furrowed.
"You reminded yourself already!"
"Ohh! Did I? So embarrassing! I hate you!" She blushed running into the mansion.

I watched her enter the mansion, admiring her and couldn't help but drool. I'd engage her tomorrow no matter what. I wouldn't lose her to nobody.

The next day, I had event planners decorate the mansion. I had both Eva and Kiera go different malls..... they couldn't stand each other. Kiera might kill Eva if they ended up shopping in the same mall.

Once it was 6pm....I had my driver pick Eva up and made sure that she was on a evening dress or whatever. Eva came home to the dark living room and she switched the lights on, only for flowers to rain on her. She looked stunned. On the marble flooring was a bold 'WILL YOU MARRY ME, MISS EVA KOWEI?'
She gasped.... well wishers, celebrity's and some of friends were all in attendance.  they all took up they phone taking videos of the event.

"Will you make me the happiest man by bringing forth you hands?" I asked, on one knee.

Gobsmacked could be the word perfect for her state. She was wide eyed and he hands place on her mouth. I repeat the question.

"Yes! yes! yes!" She cried, tears running down her tears.

She brought forth her hands and I slipped the customized diamond ring into her hands. Everyone clapped, but then there was a loud thud from the doorway. KIERA!

she's his now...... officially!
Kiera! I told you... you'd pay..... hehe!
But I guess..... There's trouble.....

Love y'all😘 and stay tuned for chap 30

Your favorite teen authoress🔰📑........

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