Chap 11

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There was absolute silence again. After some time, the all of us were done eating except Abam who was just slowly munching his bread into tiny bits, so it'd last longer. Kids!

"Mom, I'd like to discuss something with you" I said, drying my hands on my pajamas. Mentally noting myself not to wear the pajamas again, because it was dirty and I needed to wash it, to prevent smelling.

"Yes dear!" Mrs. Maya said, giving me her attention.

Eva was also staring, same with Abam. How I hated their stares. Eavesdroppers! Nonsense!

"Err... well, actually, I'd like to get a job, I hate how idle I am, right now." I explained.
"Stay for some time boy, you're just new to the city and you've been here for only a month, you should get acquainted with the city, first!" Mrs. Maya pleaded.
"No, its actually not good for a grown up like me to stay home.. my ma didn't teach me that." I said, biting my nails.
"As you wish boy, but Eva will help you out, so you wouldn't get lost. Won't you, Eva?" Mrs. Maya asked, staring at both I and Eva.
"Yeah of course" Eva said, trying to strengthen her ginger curly hair.

"Abam, go and get the shop open and get it cleaned. I'll join you later, ok?" Mrs. Maya said, packing up the plates to the kitchen

Mrs. Maya was a chemist... she deals on both medical drugs, cosmetics and both local and foreign skin care products. She has a big chemist shop where she stayed, more of a big super market. so they were, considerably, rich!
And I never wanted to go with Eva. she'd tease me and make fun of me. Well, I had no other options, than to let her come with me.

"You wouldn't wanna keep me waiting, now, would you?" Eva said, giving me the bossy look.

This is the reason why I didn't wanna go with her!

I went  up to my room, took my bath and got dressed. We went around the town looking for a job. and fortunately, we found a job in a big beverage company. I was happy with the salary.

"So how will you repay me in the future, for the trouble you caused me?" Eva asked, breaking the long term silence.
"Thank you!"
"Not just a thank you, nigga! You'll have to do whatever I say" she said, with a stern voice.
"Like?" I asked, walking by her side and admiring her beautiful face.
"For now, there's nothing you can do nothing for me"
"Ok" I answered, unsure of what she'd ask me to do.

Eva was a girl with a complicated character. She'd be happy now and then go mad, the next minute. she was never surprised. that alone gets me crazy. Nothing seems funny to her. she only fakes a laugh to make you happy. She was a happy girl, but rarely, smiles or laughs. Only ready to reply one with sarcastic, sassy and witty comebacks. She was a school drop-out not because of financial instability but because she wanted to be one. I really wanted to go back to school but I didn't want to disturb anyone. I wanted to earn my own money and put myself in school.

I woke up the next morning ready to prepare for work. I'd work from Monday to Friday and from 8am to 5pm. I loved  it, because it was a relief to me. I was looking smart in my blue checked shirts, white and black stripped cargo pants, white kepi hat, midnight blue Jika tabi shoes and a black messenger bag.

"Are you,Francis?" A young fair lady, in her late twenties asked.
"Yeah ma'am, I applied for the post of an operation and production manager in the company....I was here yesterday" I explained stammering, trying to find the words and grammar to  fit in to my sentence.
"Ok, you wait here, while I go inform the manager that you're here!" She said, knocking and then entering into the office.
"Francis, you're needed in there!" She grinned.
"Thank you!"

I was nervous, I wasn't in Lagos not was I in Nigeria, where I could talk confidently and over confidently. I bent my head in respect or maybe, shame.

"Morning Francis!" He greeted, toying with his pen as he looked at me.
"Err... sorry, forgive me! Good morning sir." I mumbled apologizing for not greeting him.
"I kind of dug into your information.... both your lifestyle at Nigeria and here in Ghana.... and I'm kind of like a bit impressed.... so I think, I'm impressed and congratulations! I think you're ready for the job.... Congrats!" He said, shaking hands with me.
"Thank you sir"

We discussed a few things....about my posts as a production and operation manager, the rules of  the company and the do's and don'ts.
He called the lady.

"Yes sir!" The not-so beautiful lady replied.
"Show him round the industry and take him to his office!" He said, dismissing the both of us.

She showed me round the company and then took me to my office. The office was a big one. walking in, I could smell a mixture of two distinct smells, chocolates and air freshner. There were open spaces, comfortable furnitures, modern windows, piles of files  and a laptop.

"A laptop?" I asked myself.

By the sides of the offices were shelves filled with books, a hanged flower, a hanged TV and a full sized mirror.

"Man! I love this!" I screamed.
"Mr. Francis, you need anything?" The lady, named Stella asked.

I went over to the recliner and spinning myself round.
Stella came into the office after knocking, she showed me how my work were to be handled..the papers that needed to be submitted.

Regular updater, ain't I?
He got a job, don't ask me how....I really don't know.
So he got a job, hurray!
Is it boring?

Love y'all 😘and stay tuned for chap 12......

Yo favorite teen authoress.💝💝.......

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