Chap 5

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At 5pm, I arrived at the bar to practice. I went into the store room where the musical instruments were kept and some other stuffs. Lo and behold! The strange girl was in the store room. Was I dreaming out something?

"Hi" she greeted.
"Hi" I awkwardly replied.
"You were amazing yester night. You were superb" she complimented.
"Thanks, but what you doing here, huh?" I inquired, looking at her feigning suspicion.
"I'm a worker here, so I was sent by Mr. Akinbiyi to kind of clean up this room"she said, with a small smile.
"Nice" I said not knowing what to say.
"So what's your name?"she asked looking at me with her cute face.
"Err..... my name is errr Adejoke" I answered feeling too intimidated and shy.
"I'm Bimpe... you can call me bipi" she said with a laugh, stretching forth her hands.

So soon..... Wow! she likes me...I knew I was handsome and all buh the girls go for richer guys, which I wasn't.

I stretched out my hands too and we'd an handshake.

"I'd be going.... done cleaning" she said leaving.

She was looking dangerously beautiful. She had a round face, with a black cornrowed hair, a pretty pointed nose and a perfectly proportioned lips. she was brown and tall,5'3.....I guess. she was like sixteen. What was my mission here? to sing, right? Why was a girl trying to dim my focus, huh? was this love at first sight? Damn! I've never had this kind of silly feelings.
I brought out my music books where I had written my songs which I had composed over the years.

"Poorly poor and twisted love.... these are what I'd sing" I said out loud.
"I'm gonna sing them both" I continued.

I took up my guitar and started practicing. I practiced for minutes when I had that instincts telling me that someone was kinda spying on me. I looked round the room and outta the window when my eyes met pairs of brown-green forest eyes looking at me. Bimpe? She was watching me?  I was bewitched  by her appealing beauty which got me distracted, making me skip my lines. We had the eyes contact. She broke it kinda feeling shy and all. She smiled exhibiting her bunny like set of teeth. I smiled back, this time focusing on my song.

"Ade, Mr.Akinbiyi says its time, the customers are arriving" she said, with a shy smile.
"Lemme help you with the guitar, if you ain't gon' mind"She pleaded.

She helped me with the guitar on stage and then went to take orders from the customers.
I went up the stage and asked God to give me courage so as not to make any mistakes and to get Bimpe out of my mind and sight so I wouldn't get distracted. I needed no distractions all I needed  is the bag, the paper, I mean the money. I opened my mouth and my  golden voice slipped out gaining freedom and melodiously rested on the ears of my audience. they cheered in amazement, dancing to the tune of my voice, voices joining mine and the spraying of notes on me.
I smiled happily as I sang and played the guitar as I danced round the stage.... the compliments, the cheer, the happiness of the faces of the people got me moving and I loved it.
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After hours of singing, I was signaled to put an end to my singing cause it was time for everybody to be home. As per instruction,I had to stop and tidy up the stage. And drop all musical instruments I got from the store room.

"Ade boy! Over here!" Mr Akinbiyi screamed waving his hands to me for easy sighting.

I went to him staring at my sport wrist watch, I bought on my way to the bar this morning. I bought specifically for watching the time.

"I love your performance..... you see, you're a guy with talents.... and your talents really are working wonders in my bar..... you've garnered lots of customers within two good days.... you're taking a ten thousandth today" he complimented, placing the ten thousands  on my hands.
"What?! You serious?" I screamed, not believing it.
"We'll see tomorrow!" He said, patting me on my  back.

I was grateful....I thanked him and went in search of Bimpe. I looked all round for her but couldn't find her. where was she? Was she lost or maybe kidnapped? She said she'd meet me up after my performance. What was wrong? I was getting worried. I didn't know what to do. Maybe, she had an important work to do at home, that's why she left earlier and not meeting up like she said. So I decided to go home and like confront her the next day. and as usual I'd trek home very early in the 3am. I was feeling tired and my voice was strained. I was going home when I had a loud scream and the voice seemed kind of like, defenseless. I ran to the direction of the scream and all I saw was a dim figure  of a woman hitting a little girl, probably, her child or ward. I gave off a sign of relief. I was getting worried, but I hope nothing's
wrong with her. I went home with a gloomy face. I had no appetite for food. Everyone was asleep. I went to the kitchen, but had no cravings for food or water. I went to bed facing the ceiling and for the first time in my life, I seriously prayed to God to protect Bimpe and be with my family, from the depth of my heart. I cried out and my throat suddenly started to hurt. I wept so hard that the veins on my forehead stood out like cords. I was tired from praying and started to feel sleepy. Several times, my head would drop as it were falling until I dozed off to sleep........

Yh yh yh yh yh.....I know...... this is the longest chap..... so how was it? Good?
actually I'm ranking #150 in Lagos outta 591 stories......
#411 in Eva outta 1.5k stories......nd I'm grateful........ so how yo day going?

So what happened to Bimpe?
Why the sudden disapperance.....dum dum dum!

Stay tuned for more...... Chap 6💝...... love y'all💟

Your  favorite teen authoress🔰📑.........

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