Chap 2

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I was proud. I was a waiter in a small bar in Lagos state. I felt like a grownup. Well, I worked hard and was paid daily. I was paid four thousand Naira.
One afternoon,I was done working and as usual, was paid. I saw some boys in groups approach me. they were dirty looking. I didn't want to run 'cause I knew if I did, they'd know I got some money on me and then rob me. So I decided to walk like a senseless beggar who had nothing to eat. But my act failed. the gang grabbed me smacked me across the face and then made me run home in pain and fear.

"What happened?" Titi asked.
"Nothing!" I winced in pain, trying not to let out those tears, threatening to stream down my cheeks.

I quickly went to my room and lay on the bed, crying my eyes out.

Later in the evening, Ma was back and she came into my room where I laid on the bed....I assume Titi told her about my condition. Ma asked me what happened and I narrated everything to her. She had no comment to make. She untied her wrapper and gave me the four thousand Naira note I was crying about. I was glad my money was recovered. I had to work tomorrow and recover the money and give it back to ma. Who knows, she might be happy, right? I'm bluffing.
Ma left the room as I still laid on the mattress.
I was still recalling today's event when I had Ma scream and objects being flung to the wall which gave off an irritating noise. In pain, I stood up and went to the doorway to take a glance of what was happening to ma. Pa wasn't back or was he?
Nothing new, if really dad was back. Titi and Emeka ran up to me in fear.

"Brother Ade, will ma die?" Titi cried.
"Why's mom screaming?" I asked, searching her face for answers in curiosity.
"Wicked Pa is hitting ma with bottles and sticks" Emeka said, voice laced with anger.

I needed to save ma before he killed her. The last time he hit ma, ma didn't look too good. I don't care if I had to die. It'd really been an honor if I'd to die an heroic death. I asked my siblings to go into my room that I'd be back.

I pecked Titi on the forehead, which made her give me one of those her good luck and safe journey smile. I felt energetic and it felt as tho, i was going to war. I went out my room, holding my right arm, I stormed into Pa's room. I felt like he was going to kill me the very moment I stepped into the room and just then, I saw ma covered in blood. I wished the ground would engulf me. I wasn't a freedom fighter now, was I? but seeing ma's bloodstained blouse made me lose it.

"Stop you evil man! Are you not ashamed of yourself?" I yelled wondering where the hell my guts were coming from.

Immediately, pa stopped lashing ma's poor weak body with the koboko a whip used by Hausa herdsman in controlling their cattles.
Pa turned to me with bloodshot eyes and said
"Adejoke! Get out of here before I count to ten!" Pa ordered, pointing the koboko at me to terrify me.

I stood my ground, I didn't want to give him the impression that I was scared of him. I had already made up my mind to become a source of trouble and anxiety to him. Pa came up to me and whacked me thrice across the face with his right palm which led me to thinking if his palm were actually made of metals. It hurts, but I stood my ground. Seeing I wasn't moving, Pa used the koboko on me. A stroke of that, set my body ablaze... figuratively.
He then, gave me a big blow on the forehead, which sent me on my knees.

"Pa Adejoke, let him go! I beg you! Let him go!" Ma pleaded as she held Pa on the legs.

I got another blow landing on my mouth, which made my teeth readjust and blood ooze from both my nose and mouth. I let out a sharp cry. I opened my mouths to plead with him, but no words came out. I was gonna die. I gasped for breath...hey! Seems you greedy! You taking all the oxygen for yourself.

"Adejoke leave the room!" Ma cried.

I saw ma in pain and I gave her a weak smile. I was losing my breath slowly. I'd defend my ma. I groaned in pain.

"Pa, let Ma be" I pleaded.

Pa got irritated that he kicked me so heard on the tummy, making me spew blood. I cried and shouted for help. I was losing consciousness. Slowly and slowly I felt like my life was leaving.

Who'd defend ma if I was gone? who'd torment Pa?

"Pa Adejoke, your son's dying. stop hitting him!" ma pleaded.
"Let go of me, you loosed woman!" He yelled slapping ma's hands off as he left the room.

I gave ma one of those reassuring smile that everything was gonna be alright. then I lost consciousness.

Good enough?
Who else loves pa?
Who'd you wanna have someone as him as a dad?
I guess not!

That Was bravery on Adejoke's part!
What a young lad.
Such a good boy......I don't like pa, he hit my fav character.
Chip in yo comments so I'd keep sailing this ship.........nd no destructive commments cuz damn! I'm gon' cry like a baby.
So I do deserve y'all votes n comments..... imma be a happy lass see the comments rolling u know the right thing to do......

Stay tuned for chapter three........ drumrolls...... have a great day...😘😘💞

From yo favorite teen authoress 📑🔰.........

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