Chap 4

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Soon after, my craving for cigarettes left me. I had to discuss with Ma about me,resuming work. She suggested that I worked with her so I would be under her supervision, it wasn't a good idea to me though, but I needed to work. Ma gave my savings back to me, I was very happy about that. the next day, Ma introduced me to her boss.
But fortunately, the job was taken. Deep inside of me,I was the happiest dude. who wanna be under the supervision of their parents? I know you wouldn't like that, would you? It was like an intrusion of space. I went to my former workplace, to Mr.Anikulapo, my boss, but was disappointed when he said someone else applied for the job. I was angry at both myself and both Ma, for making smoking a habit and ma locking me in the room for almost 5 months. I decided to hunt for a job in every bar in my hood.

At last, I saw one but I was to entertain them by singing and was expected to work from 6pm to 3am and would be Paid five thousand naira. I started my job immediately it was 6pm. I was called by the manager Mr.Akinbiyi.

"Here, the microphone and its stand, and your musical instruments, no mistakes boy, or you'd be out" he said, handing me the instruments.
"Ok sir" I thanked him and collected the instruments from him.

Which song was I to sing, how would my voice be? Many thoughts ran through my head. should my song be Igbo, Yoruba, English or pidgin English? Not everyone knew Igbo nor Yoruba so I had to combine the four languages.
Mr. Akinbiyi was staring at me so were the customers whose eyes were trying to burst my tiny body.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen" I  greeted.

I started playing my guitar, then i signaled to those behind me to play the instruments. I didn't waste time further in letting out my golden voice which amazed the customers. they were stunned and perplexed. after minutes, they began spraying money on me. I was happy because I knew I won't get thrown out by Mr. Akinbiyi's mean-looking guard. I repeatedly sang the chrous of the song as people's voice joined mine. women were dancing, I felt so proud of myself, cause I felt like a star. it was time for me to go home. I was already tired. I disassembled the micro phone and its stand and packed it in a room In the bar.

"Boy, I'm proud of you, this is your payment and be sure to be back tomorrow." Mr. Akinbiyi gleefully said, handing me my five thousand naira notes.
"Thanks sir, I'd be going" I said as I collected the money from him.
"Boy" he bade.

Shuddering,I went out to the streets. I was feeling fainthearted and nervous walking in the dark. I had to put my five thousand inside my socks where they could be safer, for fear of being robbed. Walking in the streets at 3:30 am as a little boy, many deadly eyes were on me. In their eyes, held curiosity. I had to work faster, by the sides of the road I could see males and females doing some weird acts.... gross! I scrunched my nose in disgust. I increased my pace. Ma, Titi and Emeka would be sick worrying about me. There were no bikes in sight, so I had to trek home. On reaching home, worry was written over ma's face.

'Good evening ma'am" I greeted.
"Where were you?" She asked, her eyes searching me all over.
"Ma,  I'll tell you but I need food now" I voiced tiredly.

The watery Egusi soup was served and I ate. after which I narrated everything to ma. She made no comment, she patted me on the back and went inside. I felt lonely, I lived a typical jaded life for someone not of my age. After I washed my hands, I went to Titi's and Emeka's room and found them sleeping. I kissed them both a goodnight and went to my room. I organized my room and lay down on my bed, my face facing the wooden ceiling. Many thoughts ran through my mind. Thoughts about Pa, Ma, Titi, Emeka, the bar, my passion for singing, Mr.Akinbiyi and the beautiful girl staring at me in the bar.

"Whoah! I forgot about her. why was she giving me that dumb look? why was she staring? Was I too dashing? I know I looked handsome and all or was she crushing on me? I really don't care she should learn to stop staring at people like that" I said, trying to use a British accent but failed badly.

I couldn't help but let off one of those silly laughs.

"Adejoke!" Pa yelled.
"What?" I retorted.
"I know you came from an ape, keep it down with your witchy laughter or I'll rush you there, now, go to bed! Wizard!"Pa yelled.
"Thank God, you know you're the ape!" I said loud enough for him to hear it.

I could heart him groan in anger as I smiled, satisfied. I couldn't help gradually fall asleep... as the image of the strange girl kept replaying in my head.... her weird gaze and her smile.

Geez! She's so cute!

Hi guys,
Watcha think?
Pls no capping!
I love ma, a lil tho. what bout yo?
She's too quiet tho for my liking.
Adejoke the smarty ass had to hide his money inside his shoes to avoid the "had-I-known" hehe...😂😂

So stay tuned for chap 5....... love y'all😘

Your favorite teen authoress📑🔰......

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