Chap 16

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I closed my eyes, opened my mouth and let out those golden melodious voice as it flew gaining freedom as it rested on the ears of everyone in the class. The class was so quiet that I was sure everyone in the entire school heard my voice. Some left their class to ours to find out who the owner of the voice was.

"Who's that?" A fat boy asked, stepping into the class munching on his popcorn, with that bullying aura.
"Biggy! You just interrupted the most beautiful thing ever!" The girls in the class whined.
"Peter! Out of the class, now!" Mrs Quinn, yelled.
"Okay ma, just decided to drop by and take a look at the owner of the crooked, coarsed, frog like and stinking voice....he really need a voice box." He taunted laughing, scurrying off, followed by his minions.

"We're sorry Ade" Lucy apologized.
"Yeah, you can go back to your seats, get your English notebooks wide opened and wait for your English teacher, ok?" She said, leaving the class.

"Morning class" Miss Maureen, our English teacher greeted.
"Morning ma" we greeted too.
"Get your books out for the term and start writing, ok? No disturbance, you have to pay more than usual attention to your teachers, you'll be writing exams in no distant time and probably, some of you will end up in colleges, while some will go learn a trade. So you got to listen! " She said, sternly looking at us all..
"Yes ma" we replied.

She faced the whiteboard, scribbling down notes.

"Ade! Ade!" Lucy whispered facing the back.

Her chair was three or four seats before mine.

"What?" I whispered.
"Come seat here, please!" She whispered.
"No, I love it here!" I whispered.
"Please, please"
"The new guy and lucy out of my class!" She ordered, pointing to the exit.
"Ma, I......" I tried explaining.
"Obey before complaint, you idiot" Miss Maureen, interuppted.

We left the class with a smiling Lucy....what was so funny about the whole shitty situation? Girls!
I went to window to at least, listen to her.

"Stay off, my windows!" She yelled.
"Sorry ma" I aplolgized sitting  on the bench outside the classroom.
"Its all my fault. I'm sorry Ade. It was all because  of me. This was just your first lesson here but I ruined it for you....deeply sorry!" She apologize, resting her head on my shoulder, as she sniffed, wetting my shirt.

Was I with an emotional freak?

I raised her heads up with my palms on my chin, as I wiped the tears from her face.

"Are we friends?" She asked, blushing at my kind gestures.
"Yeah, everybody are my friend" I smiled.
"Thank you"
"You're welcome"
" so what are you to Eva?" She asked staring so intently, at my eyes as if she wanted to gorge them out.

Yeah....right question! What was I to Eva? Who is Eva to me?

"She's my best friend and as I take her as my sister" I replied, swimming in an ocean of thought.
"Fancy me asking a question?" She asked, after unconsciously, checking me out.
"Why did you leave Nigeria? According to what I see on social media and hear....its a nice country..apart, the whole electricity stuff" she said, trying to stiffle her laughter.
"Badly wanted to leave the country to explore others" I said, laughing.

I noticed her look at me, admiring my face while I laughed, as I awkwardly ended the laugh with a cough and a scratch on the back of my head.
We both went mute.

"She's left!" Eva announced, dragging me in to the class.

"Alice, dove, Martha, Carol, Juliet, Adah and Diana, meet my best friend" she called, pointing to each of them and introducing me to them.

Best friend? Only? Nothing more?

"We know he's Ade, his either with you or Lucy...can't you guys, just let him talk to us...we know you and Lucy are more than we are, but at least......."Martha said, touching her chests every now and then.
"Ok...we inviting you guys over on Saturday night by 6pm to a in?" Dove the most sexiest of them all asked.
"My Schedule is tight... ion know if I'd make it." I said.
"Lucy you going?.... you're a regular. Not need to ask!" Carol said.
"Ion think I will, my schedule is tight....I mean, will be out for vacation.....actually, flying to Paris....on Friday evening." Lucy replied.

"So where's this guy that literally, draws attention to himself? The guy that got his name on the lips of everyone at school. Who the eff is he?" Biggy yelled, walking towards me giving me the mean mug.
"What's the problem?" I asked, staring him in the eye.
"Don't you dare ask me silly questions. Who do you think you are? I could get you expelled, if i want. Because you so managed to be on the 'good look' category doesn't give you the right to speak to my girl.... how dare you talk with Clover?" He yelled, holding me by the collar.
"Just let him go!" Eva screamed.
"Don't tell me what to do, ok?" He yelled at Eva, pushing her hard to the wall.
"How dare you lay a finger on her?" I yelled, aggressively, holding him by the collar, trying to lift him up.
"You think you're so perfect,but no!" He sneered.
"Listen, I detest fighting, but if you order it, I'll have no other option than to deliver it to you, ok?"
"I'll smash just like tomatoes, I'll hit you up till you die" biggy sneered.

He slapped me right on the face. He just touched the tail of a lion. I angrily gave him a blow on the mouth. The girls were howling and chanting my name, like I was some sort of celebrity. He angrily shoved me to the wall, feeding me with blows. With all the strength left in me, I pushed him down to the marble tiled floor. I slapped him twice across the face, going for the third, when biggy took a hold of my hand and bit me hard, which caused my bleeding on the hand. He kinda switched our position, he was now on top of me and hitting and blowing me. The girls were now shouting trying to separate us. But it was all futile.

"Let go of my girl" he yelled.
"Let me go, you psycho! I'm bleeding!" I howled.

Hi guys❤!
How y'all doing?
Ok, its been long.
I'm literally, like speaking to myself right now, cuz I think I'll be having no Reads on this one.

You create your moral lesson!

So bye bye
And love y'all😘 and  stay tuned for chap 16💞......

Yo favorite teen authoress🔰📑.......

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