Chap 13

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Mrs. Maya was ruining my plans. I gave the food to Abam and went upstairs. I swept the house and its external surroundings. Trimmed the flowers in Mrs. Maya's garden and then cleaned her shop. Mrs. Maya was really happy, same with Eva, 'cause she was relieved off her work.
After everything, I went to my room took my bath and put on my cloth, ready to leave the house.

"Bro, where are you going? I want to follow you!" Abam cried.
"No you can't, ok....I promise I'll be back very soon with lots of chocolate" I said patting him on the head.

I went out in search of job, going every nook and cranny of Bolgatanga. I saw every notice post regarding job hunters but I didn't like any of them. Then finally, I went to a big bar and hotel where tourists from foreign countries come to dine, wine and party.

The bar had a very a big restaurant and a very big hotel where travelers stayed. I went to the bar and fortunately I got a job as a singer after much query. I was excited, that I bought  sweets for everyone.

"Abam! Eva! Eva! Mrs Maya!" I called out gleefully.
"Why are you shouting?" Eva asked looking concerned, scanning my face and my body.
"Bro Ade, what happened?" Little Abam inquired taking my hand into his.
"Ade boy" Mrs Maya called looking out at me.
"Guess what? My dreams..... ohhh my....I found a work as a musician..... isn't it wonderful??" I screamed giving them all sweets.
"Where did you find the job?" she said in between munching the sweets.
"Behind er.... st Barnabas church at Panya Street." I described looking at my wrist watch.
"You'll start tomorrow?" Eva asked sharply.
"Yeah!" I replied fixing my gaze on her slender body and her curly hair she'd always try to strengthen.
"I'd be going out to get something" I announced moving to my room.

In my room...
I went to my pillow brought out from underneath it, some bundles of cash I had earlier withdrawn too gift myself, what I've always wanted and I was out.


"Eva! Eva! Eva!" I shouted in excitement.
"Yes I'm coming..... He's always calling me like I'm his wife or something..." She mumbled rushing down the stairs.
"Eva look what I bought with my hard earned money" I jabbered excitedly.

She screamed in happiness her mouth giving out the shape of an "o".

"Wow!! man you tried... Whoah..... ah mom would be so proud of you, that means.... the car is mine." Eva said, giving me a big hug...

That sure sent Butterflies in my tummy....

"I'll take you round in my bike, let's go bring Abam back from school and afterwards we go shopping... maybe??" I said cheerfully.
"OK babe, let's go" she said hopping in.

This actually wasn't the first time I rode a bike....I rode one when in Lagos.... but that was with Pa's bike....I started the engine and we went round and round...people gave us the weird look as we laughed, joked and screamed. I was enjoying the moments, so was Eva. We rode round and at a time stopped to buy ice cream, stopped to buy water because we were out of breath due to the speed rate. We completely, forgot to bring Abam home and it was getting late.

"Oh Ade, its already 6pm, mom would be angry." Eva panicked.
"Yeah, let's go home" I said, trying to start the engine.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"We ran out of fuel" I announced, angry.
"Oh goddess  of mercy!" she exclaimed.
"I find this so untimely!" I panicked.
"There's no fueling station nearby" she  announced.

I looked round trying to register my environment and honestly, it looked scary. we were stuck in the middle of an empty road. I need no hitting.... its been a year plus since someone last hit me.

"This is a very dangerous path, I heard girls get raped here and many have been robbed here. Why did it have to break down here of all places. I think we just have to pull it along with us" Eva suggested.

Poor girl! I knew she was scared.

"Don't worry. Nothing bad will happen to us." I said, unsure of what I said.

Within me, I was scared. I pulled it along.

"6:30....we're dead!" Eva cried.
"Its all my fault!" I said.
"We don't have to blame ourselves, we have to get ourselves away from danger." Eva cautioned, screaming.
"Keep your voice low, Eva, Just shh" I bellowed.

We were mute and I was as vigilant as ever. I prayed silently in my mind asking God to please be with both I and Eva. We pulled and pulled and man! We were super tired.

"6:50" she screamed.
"Shut up!" I yelled, getting irritated.

Mrs. Maya must be super worried. I pulled the bike faster as were out of the 'dangerous path' and now on a busy road. We pulled up to a nearby fueling station and bought  three liters.

"Geez! I'm doing the riding!" She said.

She sat on the riders seat while I awkwardly, sat behind her. while she did the riding. She rode faster, making me unconsciously hold her by the waist. Finally, we were home. We were arguing on who'd get into the house first. She tried to pushing me in to the house but I stood my ground. I carried her from the back, as we both got in to the house. Immediately, I sighted Abam, looking at us with a big smile, I dropped Eva as she winced in pain.

"Eva! Mom is very angry. she was back early today, cause she wanted you to go on an errand for her. you didn't pick me up from school bro, with your car. and I had to trek home. Its not fair! You forgot to pick me up cause of sister Eva. I'm heart broken!" Abam ranted.
"I'll tell mom you guys are back." Abam said, trying to rush upstairs.

Eva gave me the 'what-are-you-waiting-for-get-him' look. I ran to him and held him in the mouth to prevent him from screaming. I took him to my room, with Eva following me.

"Just make him go to bed" Eva ordered.
"Sleep or snake will bite you and your blood will be poisoned and you'll die..... so better sleep" I screamed, Eva backing me up with spooky sounds.
"Yeah! Right! While we were coming back we heard two snakes discussing on how to attack you cause you talk too you better shhh or they detect you and bite you." She screamed, making spooky sounds.
"I'll go take my bath" she whispered.

She went out and it was my responsibility to put him to bed.

How's up?
You be good?
Tell me how the chap is......he's getting rich.... He doesn't wanna go home to his parents and you think he should?

Love y'all😘 and stay tuned for the next chap 14......

Yo favorite teen authoress💝💞.......

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