Chap 15

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"Morning Mrs. Quinn" Eva greeted.
"Morning Ma" I greeted.
"Good morning ma" the principal greeted.
"Morning!" Mrs. Maya greeted back.
"Take a seat, Mrs. Maya" she beckoned on the three of us.
"How are you, Eva?" Mrs Quinn, the principal said.
"Cool" Eva replied with her one of her excited smile.

Mrs Quinn talked to Mrs maya about me and how intelligent I am. Both I and Eva were given forms to fill, which we did and submitted it. We were given books and our uniforms and the necessary payments were made.

"They can resume tomorrow Mrs Maya" Mrs Quinn said with a wide smile.
"I can bring my bike to school, right?" I asked.
"Yeah" she said, flashing me a smile.

I smiled back, knowing that life was already balanced but would be tiring.
I would be at school from 8am to 4pm and go straight to work and then by 11pm I'd be back home. Wow! What a good relaxed life. Note the sarcasm.

I was anxious as never, entering the school gate. Girls and boys were staring at me. The girls were gawking, while the boys were just staring.... maybe. Eva introduced me to some of her old friends in the school. They were all interested in me. They said nice things about my hair, my physique, my cute face and my height..... gosh! I felt like a king.

"Come on, let's go in, lesson's are about to commence" a girl named Lucy beckoned to me.
"Where's Eva?" I inquired.
"Forget her, she knows her way in and out of the school..... let's go in."she said tugging at my sleeves.
"Hi guys, he's our new classmate and he is Adejoke, call him ade. Much easier, right?" She said, holding my arms tightly.
"Hi!" I said, shyly.

"Wow! He's so cute, he've won my heart already"
"Can't wait to get him laid"

I overheard some girls say. Lucy was a dark beautiful girl. she was either 16 or 17. She was beautiful, skinny but healthy, had long straight hairs and too clingy.

"And its decided, he's gonna sit right beside me" she excitedly said, smiling.
"Lucy, where's Eva?" I whispered.
"No! no! He's staying here!" Some other girls protested.
"No!" A loud voice screamed, making all snap their heads to the owner of the ear deafening voice.

Thank goodness! I took Lucy's hands off mine and went towards Eva. I followed her and sat right beside her.

"Eva, he's staying with me. I'm the queen of the school now. you're not anymore! So you don't scare me!" Lucy yelled, banging her hands on the Eva's desk.

Shit! I don't need trouble. I scanned the classroom and seeing an empty chair at the back. I went there, sitting beside a weary looking girl.

"Oh boy! Its better! These girls are troublesome! they wanna eat every good looking guy, they lay their eyes on, because they feel they're In their final year. instead, of focusing on their books so as to ace their exams. bro you gotta avoid them at any cost. By the way, welcome to the troublesome school and my name is Barnabas" he said.
"You wanna join our basketball club?" The other guy, Mike asked.
"No!" Eva interrupted.
"Why can't he?" Barnabas asked.
"Cause I don't want!" Eva whisper yelled.
"Eva, I'm joining the club..Chillax dude!" I said.
"Thought that they were tryna pressurize you" she said, leaving for her chair, with an embarrassed smile.

I stole a glance at the sad girl who was sitting beside me.

"Hi" I greeted.
"I'm Ade"
"Wow! That's a good name" I complimented.

"I wouldn't mess around with her if I were you. unless, you wanna get beaten up by Paul aka biggy" Dan Said, patting me on the shoulder.
"Who's biggy?" I asked curiously.
"He's one you wouldn't wanna mess with!" Mike deadpanned
"He's trouble!" Seth said.
"And teachers have him on their bad book. You just got four months to be out of school. Just be on a low, mind your business and never talk to his girl and you're out of his business. Focus on yo book boy, and be rest assured you'd love this hell of a school." Barnabas advised.

"Hi guys!" Mrs Quinn greeted.
"Morning Mrs Quinn" we greeted in unison.
"Morning and sit! Y'all know that we have a new student and older student resuming this year with us. wouldn't you want them to introduce themselves?" She asked, with a charming smile.
"Yes!" The students screamed excitedly.

Its so hot in here or is it just me feeling the hotness?
Well, its only me.... because there was an air conditioner in the class.

She signaled at us to step out in order to face our audience. Both I and Eva were out. And there was an uproar of excitement.

"He's so cute"
"The hairstyle is dope!"
"He ain't from our country.... because he's so creatively created."

They were making me lose focus and making me all the more, nervous. Eva gave her speech freely, no nervousness and all. Just her, being the normal Eva. She gave hers and went to her seat after being applauded. My heart sank deeply, seeing it was me next.

"My name is Adejoke Francis Chiemelie Onuigbo. I'm from Nigeria, Anambra state, precisely. I'm eighteen. I love all subjects. Don't label me a nerd.(smiled nervously not knowing else to say) well, I was here in Ghana for a year and six months...I guess. I love music, singing and reading. thanks?" I said, staring at the principal to permit me to go sit.
"You love singing? Why don't you sing us a song, isn't that right guys?" Mrs Quinn asked, facing the students.

'Yes' filled up the room.
"No, I can't!" I lied.
"He's lying ma, he've written songs and he has a golden voice ma" Eva said, with a coy smile directed to me..
"Its an order!" She said sternly.

The girls were watching me in anticipation and the boys were like 'let's-see-what-he-got'. I went extremely nervous and shy. Wishing that the classroom would collapse and kill us all.

"Come on!" she ordered..
I gave Eva a death glare, which she returned with a wink.....which looked seductive to me.
"Ok!" I said, praying silently for courage.

Hallo! Anybody here!
I'm currently, ranking #3 in Ghana.
I'm really happy....... and please, don't just be a silent reader why not become an active reader too, huh?
You see that orange star and orange message like box?
Tap on it and type sentences alive, respectively.
Love Y'all😘 and stay tuned for Chap 16.....

Yo favorite teen authoress☺.......

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