Chap 9

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I began to shed tears. Hunger was back and fear. I went on walking. passerbys gave me strange looks and stare. I was among new people, new country and a new culture. GHANA!
Frankly speaking,I didn't know where I was going. I had to walk though. The long distance I walked, the more distraughted I became. The streets seemed dangerous. They had gigantic buildings just like Lagos, making the street look dark. I rarely, saw a soul walk in the streets. I decided to go back. I turned back to leave but was surrounded by gangs who were looking me all over. I ignored them, trying to walk past them, but one held me briskly, by the collar giving me one deafening slap.

"Man! That hurts!" I screamed, writhing in pain.

Another fist hit me on the nose.

"Ouch! Man! I'm sorry! What you want?" I asked, holding my nose in pain trying to prevent the blood which were already dropping.
"Everything! Boys! Search im!" The leader....I guess, commanded.

They got my luggage opened and rummaged it taking every valuable of both mine and Pa's. They took my wallet, which contained pictures of Titi and Emeka. My expensive wrist watch and went away. And not before giving me one big blow on the lips, making me bleed.

that was certainly, a payback from those I had robbed and taking Pa's stuffs...... unfortunate me!

I packed my belongings which laid on the floor before moving further. My destination seemed unending. Now, I regret moving to a new country! What was I thinking? That I'd become rich overnight, here? I was just robbed. I wandered round bolgatanga in search of help. but then, this particular bungalow, the entrance were of gardens by the sides which caught my attention. I walked to the door to knock but I couldn't. I tried to walk away but saw a middle aged woman looking at me from the garden.

Does she think that I was some kind of burglar?

I was about to leave when she called out to me.

"Yes ma'am" I answered.
"Be afraid not! Come!"

I slowly and nervously walked towards her.

"Follow me" she said as she walked up towards the building, entering into the building.
"Come inside!" She ordered.

I walked into the well furnished decorated sitting room. she looked rich, just like the so called father of mine In Nigeria. the woman smiled as she looked me head to toe.

"Your name?" She asked.
"Errr, Adejoke."
"Complete name! please!' She demanded.
"Sorry! Ade Chiemelie Francis onuigbo" I answered uncomfortably.

Felt as though, I was supplying much info about myself.

"Follow me!" She said as she walked up the stairs to her living room.
"Come !" She said.

I walked inside the sitting room. the woman smiled, as she looked me from head to toe.

"You're from Nigeria?" She asked.
"Yeah, Igbo and Yoruba" I said feeling a bit comfortable.

She dropped heavily on to sofa and giggled making her big boobs quake like an earthquake.

"Ok, my name is Maya Amma Kowei" she introduced.

I stood with my luggage poised to leave.

"Come on boy, this is my house, you can live with us for the meantime.... you look lost." she said, her hands on my palm.
"And this wounds, what happened?" She said with a tone of concern.
"I was beaten up by some boys in the street,ma'am" I lied. Not like I was lying anyway.
"Don't call me ma'am, you can call me by my name or call me "mother" she said patting me on the shoulders.

Soon after, she got me food and drinks.

"You must be hungry son, eat up". She said.

I was offered a chair and I ate the food hungrily.
Soon, I was done eating and she dropped the plates in the kitchen.

"Ma, how many kids, you got?" I inquired.
"I got three kids, 2 girls and a boy" she answered.
"Where are they?" I asked.
"My first daughter will be back today, she went to visit her sister in Nigeria, while my son is in school" she explained.
"How old are you, son?"
"I'm seventeen going Eighteen."
"Ohhh, you got the same age as my twins" She squeaked.
"You got twins?" I asked wide eyed.
"Yeah, the two girls"
"Ohhh, are they identical?" I asked.
"But why do you say "My first daughter" and "second daughter?" I inquired.
"That's cause one got outta my womb first." She explained.
"Ohhh!" I exclaimed.

  I was really enjoying my stay in Bolgatanga. I liked the woman cause she was friendly unlike Ma, who would abuse you and shed tears.

"Would you take your bath, 'cause you stink already?" She said dropping into laughter.
"Yeah, sure!" I said quite embarrassed.

She showed me the bathroom, I went in with my towel and sponge. I whistled, danced, singing and talking to myself just to remind Mrs Maya, that I was in the bathroom and should keep off. I was done, I wrapped my towel round my waist and my sponge round my neck.
And then I jerked the door open and guess what?

I saw her. The same girl I saw in the train, the same girl who almost killed me with her stare and the same girl I gave the sassy attitude to...

Ohhh, I was getting so uncomfortable,I took my sponge and covered the robust and muscular chest of mine.

"What are you doing here, Mr attitude?" She asked.
"Err..... Em...I got... an..... well, why do you wanna know and what are you doing here, huh???" I asked thinking she was also brought in by Mrs Maya.
"Mom! Mom! Mom!"she called out.
"What's he doing here?"she asked.
"Err,, son, this is my first daughter, by name Eva" Mrs Maya introduced.
"Eva, this is Adejoke, he's from Nigeria and he got lost so I took him in" she explained.
"Nice to meet you!" I said tryna look innocent.
"You too"
"Eva would you mind taking him to the empty room" Mrs Maya said giving me a smile.

I smiled back, I felt at home. I felt and wished that I was born into this lovely and friendly home.

"You know that bandage gonna smell, when wet" Eva said.
"Yeah, I'm gonna take them off"
"So this is your room!" she announced.
"Ok, I'll get your bag" she said heading to the living room.

It was such a big room, man, there was a standing fan close to the bed, a full sized mirror and a blue wardrobe . I smiled. I really love this room.

"Mr arrogant, here's your bag" she said leaving the room.

I dried my body, put on some essential oils Ma bought me and then put on my cloths. I went to the mirror stand and sat on the wooden chair opposite the mirror.

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