Chap 8

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I went to our family doctor. She wasn't surprised seeing me in my condition. It was a normal routine. Get Hit and get treated.

"You got hit again and you're leaving?" She asked, treating my wound as she point to my luggage.
"Yh, how much does it cost?" I asked, shy and shamed.

Shy cause I once, had a crush on her. She was in her early twenties. With a dangerously curved body and not the slender type, you might imagine her to be. But the thick type. She looked like a celebrity. She was fair and her cute cat green eyes. I never concentrate whenever she administers to  me.

Maybe she knew I had a thing for her. that's why she treated me like I was special. I swear, if I was a billionaire's son..... I'd marry her. To hell with Bimpe. She was only beautiful and cute.... so you'd just like her and stuffs.

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed in pain.
"Stop staring!" She said with a small smile. I assumed she purposely pressed on my wound to break my unconscious stare.
"Uhmmm, sorry.... was lost!" I said, my head low.
"You can go now!" She said, reclining to her chair.
"Money?" I asked, don't know what to feel.
"You can have it!" She said, her eyes fixed on her laptop.
"You're welcome"

I went out the max pharmacist with my luggage and backpack. I went to the Lagos park to get to a place I wasn't sure of, but anywhere.

"Train station...train station! Oya! Oya! Dey enter!"the dirty looking man hollered.

Typical Nigerian bus conductors.

"The fare how much?" I asked.
"200 naira" he answered rudely, looking me up and down.
"Not 150" I tried to bargain.
"Are you mad? Shey I say 200, you come here dey tell me 150.... get away or I hit you now! Stupid boy! Your mommy no train you!" He cursed.
"Your mom too!" I retorted.

He got down from the commercial bus and held me briskly by the collar.

"This bandage all over your body... I'll hit you again and again... till you no go see bandage again. Stupid irresponsible village boy!" he cursed.

I kept mute. I didn't wanna get beaten again. I have had enough  of the whackings and hittings. I begged him and he let me go. I picked my luggage to find another traveling bus.

"Lagos Station! Lagos station!" The old shabby looking and unkept man bellowed.
"Only 200!"
"Not 150?" I bargained.
"Oya enter!" He  said.
"Thank you!"

I entered the bus feeling lonely and greeted by unfamiliar faces of travelers. I sat down wondering how my world was going to be without Titi, Ma, Emeka and my mega city. After twenty minutes or so the bus was loaded with passengers. It was ready to move.

Life really had taught big lessons. I was overwhelmed by its lessons. This leading lessons led me to acknowledging the fact that life wasn't a bed of rose...Every experience in life had its own lessons and meaning. I looked out the window wondering whether Pa was searching for me, whether Titi and Emeka were both crying. My emotions were getting a hold of me. I was already hungry and feeling thirsty.
Buh I blocked those feelings out. This was my first day traveling, a long distance at that. It gave way to curiosity. I looked at every tree we passed by and notice how beautiful they were. It made me wonder why life wasn't cool, gentle, happy, loving and  peaceful as they were.

"Oya, we don reach! Station people get down!" He yelled, waking me from my reverie.

I got down and paid him his money. Gosh, for the very first time I was in a train station. I had to go the booth and get my tickets. Finally, my train arrived and I got in waiting to be commuted to my destination. I sat looking at the
Passengers to know if I'd see any familiar faces. But didn't find any. I looked out of the window admiring some birds, trees, mountains and mother nature. I watched as the train went through caves, amazed how on earth, a hole was made out of a rock. When there was enough sunshine inside the train, I looked ahead of me.... but found a pretty girl my age staring at me.

Was I a clown or something? What's up with girls and staring at me?

I knew that I'm handsome and all but man!.... was I familiar to her?..... she didn't look familiar.
I wasn't ugly, because when I was once in school all of my female friends were all gushing over me. and I was ranked the most handsome guy at school.
She was a seat ahead of me and by my left while I was at her right. When I felt that she wasn't staring, I'd steal glances at her. This happened severally till we had an eye contact.

Oh shit!

I went extremely shy that I had to slid down the seat in embarrassment. I was extremely nervous. But the fool was still staring making me feel uncomfortable. Yeah, the bandages!
So? I got them bandages, round my forehead and wrist, my eyes were swollen, my mouth was swollen snd I looked hella dirty...I didn't even change my cloths nor bath....

Eww! I must be smelling like crazy!

I slowly, hung my had in disgrace feeling so dirty and inferior. I had had enough. I took out my handkerchief and spread round my face.

Lemme see how she gon' stare at me again! Hehe!

Little by little, I dozed off.

*************     *****************     **************

I felt someone pat me on the laps, making me jerk up. I took the shit away from my face......lawd! That was my hanky!.  I looked around. It was the starer..... the girl!

"You reached your destination man!" She said tryna help me stand.
"I can do that on my own, thanks!" I protested.
"You wounded, what happened?"
"Learn to mind your own business!" I deadpanned.

I didn't wanna open up to a mere stranger. I picked up my luggage and backpack as I walked out to a new country and culture.......... which was probably, gonna change my life! Oh well, it did!

My reads are real poor!
Which country was he in?
And please, I made a research...... there's no railway that connects Nigeria to Ghana.
Oh my my, the poor boy had to leave his country!
What if ma, titi and Emeka, eh?
The girl was really, irritating.
Boy was In pain, buh she got guts to stare at my handsome character....... she'll face the consequence!

So love y'all😘..... do not read and comment....nd vote.... would appreciate!

Your  favorite teen authoress📑🔰.........

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