Chap 30

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Kiera was crying now. She ran up the stairs. A big loud bang got out from her room and lots of tinnabulation was on. I could hear clattering of objects. Damn! Both I and Eva ran upstairs to her room but found it locked. We knocked and knocked.

"Get away... you've killed me! I primarily did everything for you and y'all repaid me with this" she yelled, throwing probably a vase to the door.
"Will you open the door and cut this drama shut, Kiera!" I yelled frustrated.
"No! Get away!" She yelled, crying more and more.

I decided to break down the door since the clattering was getting louder and louder. I was surprised when the door was jerked open... the sight of blood, broken bottles and a half lifeless Kiera on the floor.

"Kiera! Kiera!" Eva screamed, running to her, slightly hitting her on the cheek.
"Leave me alone, you slut" she slurred.
"Shut up, why did you do this to yourself?" Eva cried.
"Do not touch me with those filthy hands of yours. You've taken my Ade, my everything from me. Just get out. I give you my word. I, Kiera Kowei is saying this, that I'd rather die than to see you two get married. Is either I kill both Ade and myself" she cried.
"Kiera, get over this already. I love your sister" I confessed reaching for her hands.
"Don't you dare touch me. I thought you loved me. Those times you took care of me. Those times you'd give me your full attention. you betrayed me. you got her engaged not Kiera!" She wept.
"Kiera first, get up. you're hurting yourself" Eva begged.
"Just Shut the eff up and stop acting like you give a damned care. This bottles hurting me ain't compared to how I'm hurting right now" she yelled, dragging Eva by the hair.

I just didn't know what to do. I pulled Eva away from her grip and kindly asked Eva to leave the room so as to first, dismiss our guests and second. avoid escalating the fight.

"Tina! Tina!" I called out to our chief house maid.
"Yes sir!"
"Call the doctor and know how to get the room cleaned"
"Yes sir!"
"Kiera! just stand up!" I yelled.
"Let me be!"

I swiftly carried her up in bridal style and laid her down on the bed but she had a strong grip on my collar trying to smash her lips to mine. I was on top while she was beneath me. Anyone, seeing us in that situation would think otherwise. I tried yanking her hands of my collar but her grip was strong enough.

"Kiera! Stop" I whispered.

Eva walked in and saw us in that awkward situation. Her face drained of all color making it pale. She looked angry at the same jealous.

"This is bad" I mumbled.

I got off the bed and went after Eva but My bad, I felt a sharp pain lingering at my foot. I looked under my shoe to find a large piece of broken bottle underneath my shoe. I yelped in pain as I dropped to a corner. Kiera ran towards me as she took off my shoe panicking. Eva ran back inside the room and went for the supplies.

"This is all your fault Kiera!" Eva yelled, yanking off her hand from my leg.
"Oh soon to be wife of Adejoke Francis will you please shut your mouth... because I can't hear you! I'll kill you one day." Kiera snapped.
"Y'all just shut up!" I screamed.

Tina was busy with the room... while Eva was attending to my wounds. Kiera looked sad and she started to cry.

"I think you both should get married. You love her right? I get it. She's better off than me. She's calm and collected while I ain't. You both go ahead.... fix the engagement party tomorrow.. I'll promise to attend... my blessings on you!" She sadly said, wiping her tears as she stood up from where she sat.

Ok, was this for real?

"Are you serious?" Eva screamed, wide eyed with a smile.
"You heard me idiot!" Kiera said with a smile.
"Kiera, I'm sorry if I've made you think or feel that I felt the same way you did for me... I'm really really sorry and thank you... I'll promise to make it up to you Kiera. I'll try link you up with people more handsome than I am. my friends from Egypt, Lebanon, Korea, south Africa... any part of the country." I apologized.
"No worries! But I think a guy from Korea would do" she said with a wink.
"Kiera, thank you so much" Eva thanked, hugging Kiera tightly.
"You're welcome." Kiera said kissing her forehead.

I was happy. But that feeling I had when I first met Kiera was back. But I waved it all away. Maybe, I was over thinking, right? I called the best designers to order the best cloth for both Eva and Kiera. The best event planners were summoned. This party was gonna be grand. The world was gonna talk about it for years. I could see the mansion get decorated. Chefs were making foods and drinks.

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It was time for the party. There were so many plenty smiling faces. Both men and women were gorgeously dressed. Friends such as Lucy and Barnabas who were now couples and some of my old classmates. friends from round the world came to attend. There were plenty of food and drinks plus the music lingering in the air. People were vibing to my music. People were chattering and dancing. Kiera was happy as ever...hmm! I was on a blue and black tuxedo and a designer martins shoe. I looked around for Eva but couldn't find her..... she was probably on her makeup.
It was taking longer than I had expected. I went up her room in search of her but couldn't find her. She must be in the bathroom. She wasn't there either. I went to the kitchen and everywhere but I couldn't find her. I went downstairs to Kiera and dragged her upstairs in anger.

"Kiera! The heck is your sister?"I yelled seething.
"What? My sister?" She asked, looking dumb.
"Where's your sister?" I yelled.
"How would I know? She must be in her room or something....I was really talking to this cute guy before you interrupted." She smirked.
"Stop lying Kiera!" I yelled, my hands unconsciously wrapped round her neck.

I was gon' kill her for sure...

I wouldn't mind killing her. I was really angry now. I hate hurting women but anger was in me.

"WHERE IS YOUR SISTER?" I yelled, through gritted teeth.
"You're chocking me" she cried, her face red.

I released her and she coughed wildly. I rolled my eyes impatient.

"Where's she?" I asked, squatting to her level, gripping her tightly on arms.
"Let me go or she'll die. You almost killed me because of her. What does she have or possess that I can't give you huh? I love you!" She said, wrapping her arms around my neck.

I pushed her so hard, held her by the chin and pinned her to the wall.

"Where's she?" I asked.

I know don't tell me....I'm a genius.
Maybe I ain't cuz I ain't getting no reads, votes and comment.... what imma gon' do?
I promoted the book tho..... whatever!

Kiera so obsessed with this he so handsome?
She outrightly, rejected the offer of dating a guy from KOREAN?
Where's ma bby Eva, huh?
Where the eff did the crazy maniac keep my baby?
I'm so downhearted.......... wait!

When, I was In school..... my classmates dubbed my book 'cliche?'.......... true?

Ok....'nough of the blabbering.

Love y'all😘 and stay tuned for chap 31

Your favorite teen authoress🔰📑........

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