Chap 21

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Unknown POV
"No!" I screamed.

I didn't know why I shouted, it was as though, I was sleeping and having terrible dreams, it was kind of disturbing to me and irritating due to the noise.
I saw a skinny girl staring at me wide eyed.

"You're alive!" She screamed, temporarily deafening me as I winced in pain.
"Eva!" I called weakly.

She immediately, ran out of the ward, screaming "doctor!" I tried to sit, but my effort was futile. I couldn't sit up. The gasps from the doorway, got my head snapping to the direction of the gasps.
Mrs Maya, Lucy, Barnabas, Eva and the doctor.

"I told you God loved him" she smiled, as tears ran down her cheeks, wiping it immediately.

The doctors examined me and advised them not to stress me out with questions.

"You're prayers worked out fine, dear! God, really do love him" the doctor said, patting Eva on the shoulder, leaving.

Eva was smiling broadly, though she looked weak. Eva sat beside me, same with Mrs Maya. Everybody were looking at me.

"Are you feeling good? Thank God, you made it!" Lucy said, smiling.
"I'm good!" I managed to say.

Everybody were talking and narrating their own side of the story. My gaze fixed on Eva, who kept wetting and drying her face. We got interrupted by a nurse who informed Mrs Maya of her needed presence in the doctors office. Mrs Maya left us. While, the teenagers talked. Some talked about handling my school assignments  for me. sone offered to fill me up with what I had missed.
When Mrs Maya came in and announced that I would be discharged tomorrow and that she's made necessary payments.

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I was gonna be discharged today, I was pretty happy about it cause I technically, hated the smell hospital gave off. Eva helped me to the car that'd take us home. I bade goodbye to all my classmates, promising that I'd resume school by next week. We all got into the car, Mrs Maya turned the ignition on, as we drove home. Neither of us, uttered a word to each other. Apart from Mrs Maya who kept talking about Abam's condition since he heard of my condition. I would occasionally, turn to my left to check on Eva who hung her head in shame? Nervousness? Or was she shy? I, myself, didn't know what to say, so it'd be preferably good, if I had my mouth shut. I'd just stare at her, admire her, smile and then, look away.
Finally, we arrived home. Abam hearing the sound of the car, came running towards me. I squat so that we could be at the same level. He hugged me and started to cry, speaking in their mother tongue.

"You said you weren't going to leave me. I missed you!" He cried, wiping his tears.
"I'm sorry!" I said, stroking his back.
"Abam, let him go.... he needs to rest." Eva instructed..
"We'll talk later!" I said, ascending the stairs.

I went to my used-to-be room, it was clean and sparkling.....a new bedspread and a new wardrobe. Wow!
I took a towel and went into the shower to freshen up. I was done, about to wear my vest but got interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Eva, I bet!" I said to myself.
"Can I come in?"
"Yeah, sure!"

She came in, her head facing the marble flooring.
She was in a blue grey shorts and a black hoodie.

"Well, actually, I came to apologize for the other day....I was wrong! I was angry for no reason. I'd never ever try to act like the boss of your life and I'd also learn to respect your privacy..... would you please come live with us? I......."
"I think I'm growing moustache! I'm a man now!" I said, trying to offend her.
"Did you hear what I just said?" She yelled.

Typical Eva! I thought she'd be kind and all.

"Yeah, I did.... I'm sorry too!"
"No! you're not! Well, about your moustache.... it's really cute..... what! I didn't just say that. Whatever! I'm going! Come eat your food" She said, face going bright crimson.
"Alright doll!"

She furrowed her brows at the nickname I gave her and I just shrugged. We went downstairs to smiling Mrs. Maya who held her iPhone.

"You smiling, what?" Eva asked, with a furrowed brow.
"So guess what?" Mrs Maya asked.
"Kiera? Coming back? I guessed it right, right?" She asked, with a glint of excitement.
"You're right! She'll be here tomorrow! My sweet baby. now we have to clean up her room and prepare something nice!" Mrs Maya said.
"sister Kiera? Coming home tomorrow?" Abam asked, wide eyed.
"Yesssss!" Eva screamed.
"So who's this Kiera?" I asked, looking left out, eating my jollof rice and chicken.
"My twin duh!"
"She's a crazy fella!" Eva whispered, ascending the stairs.

I ate my food real quick, did my dishes and retired to my room.

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The next morning, I went to my apartment and got my belongings ready to move out. I got them belongings into the car and after that I went shopping to get some groceries. But then, my car deemed it fit to break down....ok! Damn it! I contacted my mechanical engineer, who arrived immediately to render his service. I waited for hours for him to be done. And ta da! It was good to go! I drove myself to a nearby eatery and ordered pizza... it was then, that it dawned on me, that we got a visitor. I paid for my sweet pizza and drove home.
I got my belongings out and headed to the front door and knocked.

"Who's there" a familiar voice asked.
"Will you open the door already?" I asked, a bit annoyed.
"What if I don't?" She teased.
"Eva! I got heavy stuffs I'm carrying, open the door"

The door was jerked open.... there was Eva, smiling Abam and a strange girl..... may I add, that she's adorably beautiful....ok, to be honest.... was more beautiful than Eva...... just a bit beautiful than Eva with a 10%. I was staring at the I-assume-it-to-be-her-twin.

"I can help you with that, dear" Eva offered, nudging me.
"Hi, Eva, I'm offended! You didn't tell me you got a boyfriend." Kiera said, with a pout.
"Geez! Kiera! He was brought in by mom..... he's Adejoke and Adejoke, this is Kiera, my twin." She introduced.

Kiera? Kiera?
Eva's twin?
She's cuter than Eva?
More beautiful?
Team Lucy indicate with a purple heart tho
Team Eva with a pink heart
Team Kiera with a black heart....
All Adejoke does, is win girl's heart.... whoah!

Love y'all😘 and stay tuned for chap 22

Your favorite teen authoress🔰📑........

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