Chap 26

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The next morning, Kiera and Eva all bade me goodbye wishing me a good and safe journey at the tamale airport. Eva was already sobbing same with Kiera. We all took pictures of ourselves. and then, I had to leave on my private jet. I waved them all goodbye.

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I was already in Lagos state, Nigeria. I wasn't ready for the press. So I had to put on a nose mask and sunglasses. I called my driver from Lagos to come get me. He came three minutes later and got both my guards and I with the numerous luggages I was with. I couldn't believe the tremendous transformation of Lagos state. It was much developed now. There were shopping malls, eatery centers and big gigantic buildings aka skycrapper. Its been two years since I left Nigeria. the memories came flooding back. The bus stop, Mr Akinbiyi's bar and the shopping mall, my friends would brag about that they've shopped. I was immediately alert and nervous when I saw the brown gate and a beautiful navy blue and white painted bungalow. I could feel my heart racing and hitting wildly against my ribcage. There were multiple flowers used as decorations in front of the gate. the guards got out of the car and into the compound to get the gate opened. Titi and Emeka were on their knees and were looking really thin. An unfamiliar lady and a little baby sat on a stool right in front of Emeka and Titi. Pa was smiling looking at the lady while Ma was looking disgustedly at the lady. Ok, first, who the hell is the lady? Who the hell got the baby? Let it not be what I'm thinking.. Emeka and Titi were crying.
I got down the car and walked down to their direction. All eyes were on me. Titi, ma and Emeka were staring at me like I was some monster.

"Good day, everyone!"I greeted.
"Who are you looking for?" Pa asked.
"I'm looking for my siblings and ma" I replied, looking at him disgusted.
"Ade boy?" Ma asked, looking at me wide eyed, and staring at the guards behind me.
"Ma! Emeka and Titi get up and come hug me!" I said, squatting to their level.
"Brother Ade! We miss you!" They screamed, crying running to my direction.

"You are alive!" Ma screamed, scanning me up and down.
"Pa, who the heck is this lady? and what is she doing here with a baby in her hands?" I yelled.
"Lower your tone on me!" He yelled.
"I can get you arrested or rather, sue you to court." I snapped.

The noise ceased. Both Pa and Ma were staring at me now.

"Who is she?" I asked.
"Oh darling, I'm your step mother!" She introduced, smiling.
"You got married? again?" I asked, not sparing her a look.
"So? Its not bad.... and besides your mother's not good to me anymore." He said, eating his watermelon.
"Pa! And you! Ain't you ashamed of yourself? He is a married man. Ain't he old enough to be your father? You just broke a woman's marriage...... you're shameless!" I yelled, looking the lady in the eyes.
"Don't talk to your step mother like that!" Pa yelled.
"She is not my mother! My real mother is your first wife." I yelled.
"So what? you got gangs to hit me?" Pa asked, pointing at my guards.
"I wish I did.... but no, I'd rather die than follow your footsteps. They're my bodyguards" I answered.
"Bodyguards for what?" The lady asked, immediately, regretting the question she asked because I gave her a death glare.
"I'm an international superstar!" I answered, kind of bragging.
"Wait! wait! wait! are you frasix, the musician?" Emeka asked, wide eyed.
"Yeah! I did it for you guys and finally we are rich..... I'm gonna put you guys in the best school.... y'all gon' live the best life. You've wanted a doll since your whole life Titi....I got one for you...." I signaled my guards to get the luggages from the car.

Pa was really uncomfortable but sat down anyway. The luggages were brought and it was labeled with each of their names. The one labeled Emeka, was given to him. One labeled Titi was given her. same with Ma and to be honest, I got Pa a gift. So that he would have a change of mind, love Ma and live together again...... right?

"An iPhone? IPhone? Jesus! Thank you brother Ade!" Emeka screamed, jumping around.
"Emeka, I got an iPad, dolls, lots of dresses and shoes and lollipops!" She screamed, hugging me tightly.
"Pa, are you not taking yours?" I asked, studying him.

Maybe, I should just let go of the past and lovingly try to bring my family back together. But the problem, is my Pa's second wife. What we gonna do about her? We certainly, wouldn't drive her home. The hell! She's carrying my step brother.! She's my Pa's wife!

"Hey, you gave me all these?" He said, trying to sound like a typical Nigerian father who never apologized, seek forgiveness, cried In front of their kids, but are always strong headed.
"Yes Pa!"
"This is where you're acting like your father! The original son of his father! I did all those things to shape you to who you are today!" He said, sternly patting me on the shoulder. Was a strange feeling though, but I was loving it.

Everybody laughed.

"OK! I'm sorry! Despite all the ill treatments and hitting. You still remembered your father and bought him gifts to top it all. This shoes are designers.... the phone and cloths are really good. I feel so bad for treating you guys the way I did and I don't deserve you guys. You were right, I'd regret all this. I do not deserve y'all forgiveness, but find it in your heart to forgive me. Titi and Emeka, I'm really sorry. I appreciate the gifts and I'm sorry to you too." he said, looking at Ma, who was now crying.

He went to her and hugged her

"Thanks for raising us a superstar!" Pa mumbled, hugging her tightly.

Ma hugged him tight too. Emeka and Titi joined the hug, so did I. I signaled to the lady....ok! Pa's second wife to join us which she reluctantly did. After the hug, I narrated my whole life to them, apart from the Eva and Kiera Fighting over me something. Ma was now dancing, while Pa was laughing holding both his wives. Ma was smiling happily now. We all were happy now.

Am I the only one perceiving this family reunion?
my younger self, wrote "Pa left angrily, when he saw Adejoke was a wunderkind."

But my older self  wanted a family union. So I wrote this, this way.

Love y'all😘 and stay tuned for chap 27

Your favorite teen authoress🔰📑........

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