Chap 22

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"Hi" Kiera said, with a wink.
"Hi" I said, keeping my cool.
"So you guys introduce yourselves and get to know each other while, I go drop this veggies and get us something to eat. Abam, get Ade's bag and take it up to his room" Eva said, with a big smile as she went into the kitchen.

An awkward silence fell upon us as we sat uncomfortably on the couch.

"I'm Adejoke Francis Chiemelie Onuigbo" I said, breaking the silence.
"Kiera Kowei Leila" she said, smiling.
"You got a cute name!"
"Really? thank you!"
"So you working?" I asked.
"Both schooling and working."she answered, relaxing into the conversation.
"Which part in Nigeria, do you stay?" I asked.
"Actually, Lekki, Lagos state"
"Wow! nice!"
"So how long you been staying here?" She asked, her palms under her jaw.
"Its going two years by next month"
"So do you love Ghana?" She asked.
"Ghana is nice, got pretty women"
"What! I can't imagine you being a flirt! All you love about Ghana is the women?" She asked, chuckling.
"You're a Ghanaian, ain't you?(She nodded) that makes me like you!" I said, smirking.

She blushed at my words, smiling. I couldn't help but stare at the light skinned beauty in front of me. Had a heart shaped lips, eyes like that of a cat and face as beautiful as an Arabian princess... y'all don't get me wrong..... Eva was brown and was beautiful as well, she got an hourglass figure....a dozen of natural assets given to her by God. The frontward and backward asset... in its moderate size. Kiera was stuck in the middle of being thick and slender, had the hourglass figure of her sister...a lower heavy lipped fellow... an oval face and the booty one.....

"Food's ready!" Eva said, dishing out the fried Rice.
"Hope you've improved your cooking skills lady?"Kiera asked, feigning a frown.
"Sister Kiera, you don't want us to tell the world how your food tastes like..... its good tho" Abam says, laughing.
"I'm gonna put you right in to the pot and boil you!" She said, laughing.
"Not funny!" Abam said, giving her the serious mug.
"Ok! Can we pray already?" I asked.
"Sure!" They all chroused.

I prayed to God for the nourishment of the food.... we ate and drank, discussing on unimportant stuffs.

"I think I'll be off to work, guys!" I said, getting up.
"You work late at night?" Kiera asked, wide eyed.
"When will you be back then?" She asked.
"11:30 or so"
"Whoah! Dangerous!"
"Ok... gotta rush! Eva, will be back.... Abam, what should I get you? Pizza? Pork? Skittles?" I asked, staring at Abam whose lips was oily.
"Chocolate!" He smiled.
"Ok, bye, see you! Yeah! Need to change" I said, running up the stairs, sometimes I wished there was an elevator in here.
I changed into my working cloth, taking my bike's key and then rode myself to the bar. I arrived, went to Miss Mira's office.

"Come in, Mr Adejoke!" Miss Mira said, her heart glasses on, as she stared right at me.
"Thanks, good evening" I greeted.
"You're welcome!"
"We noticed you're absence In the past one week, may I know why?" She asked.
"I was hospitalized" I replied.
"I'm really sorry about that.... well, the major reason while you were summoned to my office is to let you know that a man from our hotel would like to meet you and here is his contact card..... he'll be here for your performance" she said, handing me a contact card.
"Buh I've never seen him" I said in honest disbelief.
"You have to be patient then" she said, looking up the big files in front of her.
"You may leave then" she said with a small smile.
"Thank you" I said leaving the office.

Later in the night, after I had finished singing, a dark tall man in his late forties or so, on a diamond necklace and a diamond luxury wrist watch also wearing a dashing black tuxedo and a light green tie came up to me..... totally off! He could've used a white tie!

"How are you boy?"

I wondered who he was and what he wanted from me, but his Nigerian accent made me chill.
"Good and you?" I inquired.
"So I hope you got informed by your boss that someone wants to meet you?" he asked, staring at me, giving off the wealthy aura.
"Yes sir!" I replied, feeling really inferior.
"Would you mind me asking?" He asked, lightly tapping his wine glass with his rings.
"Go on sir!" I said politely.
"Would you like to join the music industry?" He asked, looking unfazed.

Join the music industry? Like for real? I was really happy but confused.

"Yeah, I'd love to!" I said, on a gummy smile.
"Ok, since you'd love to, I'd leave you with my record label's contact card. Whenever you think you're ready... gimme a call" he said, handing me a contact card.
"Thank you sir, I really appreciate it sir"
"you're welcome and I'll take my leave now." He said leaving.

I was extremely excited. Wished I could transform into a butterfly and fly over to Nigeria, to inform Ma. I knew it, I was gonna be famous one day. One day is the today. Thank you Lord. I quickly rode my bike home to tell the good news to the Koweis family. But sadly, everywhere was dark and silent indicating that everyone was asleep. I walked up to my room but bumped into a something or rather a somebody. I instinctively, wrapped my hands around the individuals body who let out a yelp in response. That was when the light came on.

"What you guys doing?" Eva asked, staring at our position.
"Geez! I almost fell!" Kiera whispered.
"Why'd you be walking around in the dark?" I asked, letting her go.
"I wanted to see who was it coming home late this night." She said, standing akimbo.
"Well, its me!" I said, touching my chest.
"Ade, you make the worst noise when you are back" Eva whined, rubbing her eyes.
"I'm sorry princess, but men aren't gentle.... Especially, handsome dude like me" I said with a smirk.
"Princess? Whoah? Do I smell something fishy? Handsome? That'll be in your dreams....ok, well let's just say you're a 60% handsome over a 100" she teased, giving me the thumbs up.
"Whatever Kiera, can I go sleep now?"
"You're the most handsome dude Ade, don't take her words to heart." Eva said, patting my back.
"Goodnight then" Kiera said, seething silently.
"Night baby Kiera!" I said.

She snapped her head to my direction rapidly, earning me a blush from her. Was she crushing on me? Damn, I have no feelings for her. she's....... what? She can't be.

Hi guys...... how y'all doing?
So actually, what's Kiera up to?
does she have a crush on my baby?
It shouldn't be true, cause if it was, she'd regret it.....

So.... who else is excited..... Adejoke was gonna join the music think so?

Love y'all😘 and stay tuned for chap 23

Your favorite teen authoress🔰📑........

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