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While You Weren't Sleeping

Mick, Keith, and their questionably costumed cohorts said, "You can't always get what you want," but that doesn't mean it's okay for anyone else to have it either

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Mick, Keith, and their questionably costumed cohorts said, "You can't always get what you want," but that doesn't mean it's okay for anyone else to have it either.


It was the next morning and Ella and Ben were on the couch kissing.

Ella pulled away. "I should get going. I agreed to detente with my mom so I could help plan Eric's 18th birthday party. And I can't show up in yesterday's clothes."

"Well, tell him I say congratulations and to be careful now that he's old enough to be tried as an adult." Ben said.

"Actually, I was hoping maybe you could come to the party and tell him yourself."

"I'm not going to your mother's, Ella. I'm not eating her food or drinking her wine or smiling and pretending that everything's okay." Ben told her.

"I know. I don't forgive her either. I just..."

"We'll hang out when you're done." He said and kissed her before she left.


Ella was waiting for Ben when he showed up.

"Hey." She greeted him with a kiss and he did back. "I thought, since I don't have a party to plan, I figured I could just come make sure Eric was okay, wish him happy birthday, and then we could spend the rest of the day doing whatever."

"I heard a Free Man Of Colour is great. Matinee would get us out of the cold." Ben suggested.

"Yeah, or my room is pretty cosy." Ella said and kissed him again.

"Maybe you don't even have to go up to see Eric." Ben said.

"I promise it'll just be a minute."

"I mean, he's right there." He said and pointed at him.

"Don't even try to tell me you're on an emergency ibuprofen run." Ella said.

"I'm not sick." Eric told her. "I know that they were just trying to help, but Dan and Nate actually made things worse when they went to see Damien's father."

"How, exactly?" Ben asked.

"Damien's got his big coke shipment coming in today from Europe. It's arriving at the flower market in the fertiliser packs of a hundred pink tulips. And since his dad has people watching his every move, he's making me be his drug mule." Eric explained.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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