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Panic Roommate

A wise woman once said that every morning when you wake up, you say a little prayer

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A wise woman once said that every morning when you wake up, you say a little prayer. After all, you never know what your day may hold.


Ella went to the loft to see Ben.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I just... I thought..."

"Don't apologise. Just return it." Ben said.

"I already called the delivery guys. I can return this too." Ella said as she held a box which he took from her.

"I can't believe you remembered."

"I remember everything you've read to me. In case you haven't noticed, I don't really let go of things so easily."

"I guess I could use something to keep me company at night, but the book shelf still goes." Ben told her and she nodded. "I was about to go out and get some lunch. You want to join me? I don't want to raid the Humphreys' pantry, but I'm kind of starving."

"I told the delivery guys I'd be here, so why don't we order in, if that's okay with you?" Ella asked. "I know where the menu book is."

"Okay, you have to try a shishito pepper." Ben told her.

"Absolutely not. My mouth is still on fire from the spicy tuna roll. Now please pour me some tea before I literally start to cry." Ella laughed.

"Okay, okay." He passed her the cup and their skin touched each other. "Look, I'm sorry that I've been how I've been. I just... I've spent the last three years blaming you for where I thought you put me."

"I know, here you are somewhere else that I put you. Is that a problem?"

"No, actually. I'm beginning to think I'm supposed to be here." Ben said and Dan walked in.

"I should go." Ella said and got up.


Later in the day Ella called Ben.

"Hey." He answered.

"Hey. So I know it's last minute, but I was wondering if you wanted to come with me
to the W party tonight." Ella said.

"Party? Tonight? You know, if you'd asked me an hour ago, I would've said that's not such a good idea, but, uh... you know what? I'm in." Ben replied.

"Great. I can't wait to see you." Ella said with a smile before hanging up.


Ella and Ben had walked in the party.

"So you go to things like this every week?" Ben asked.

"If you don't like it, we can leave. I just thought the music would be good?" Ella said.

"Oh, no. I'm looking forward to it. You thirsty?"

"Yes, please." Ella replied and he went over to the bar.

"Eric, what are you doing here with Damien? What happened to your face?" Ella asked.

"Ben. He threatened me earlier, and then he followed me to the bathroom and then he jumped me." Damien answered.

"Eric, are you kidding me? There's no way."

"No, he did it. I saw it myself." Eric said.

"Don't even try to deny it. I can see that look on your face." Damien added.

Sorry, E, your new beau may have the right to remain silent but you just became the talk of the town.

"I don't understand. It doesn't make any sense. Why would Ben just come and hit
you unprovoked?" Ella asked.

"The guy's obviously got some serious anger issues." Damien said and walked away.

"And his parole officer just happened to be here? Come on."

"No, I called him." Dan spoke.

"Because you knew that he'd hit Damien?"

"Because I knew he was a danger to you, to me, to anyone he who came into contact with."

"I'm sorry I don't believe it, and I don't believe you." Ella told him and went after Ben.

"Wait! Stop. You're making a mistake." Ella called.

"Ella, don't." Ben said.

"I know you didn't do anything. Tell him. Tell him the truth." Ella said and he was silent.

Ben then walked off with his parole officer.


It was the next day at the loft.

"Hey. Dan invited me to come over and wait for you." Ella said.

"She was right. I was wrong. Just give everyone else some time. They'll come around. I need to go meet Nate." Dan said and left the loft.

Ella walked up to Ben.

"You haven't slept." Ben realised looking at her.

"I couldn't, not until I knew you were safe. Last night at the party when everyone else doubted you, I never did, not for a second, and I never will." Ella told him.

"What about your family? What if us being together drives them all away?" He asked.

"I don't think it will, but that's a risk I'm willing to take if you are." Ella said and he stepped closer and his eyes fell to her lips before he kissed her.

Every happy ending is just a new beginning because on the Upper East Side, the good times never last forever. XOXO, Gossip Girl.

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