I'm loosing it all

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There's too many of them. Ghosts. Stupid. Useless. Ghosts. He's been staring at the stupid wall for hours. Hours. It keeps moving. There's an earthquake he knows it but he's not panicking no one is panicking but there's shaking everywhere. He can't find Evian. Wait did they say they were going somewhere? Or are they asleep. Onyx looks over to Evian's side of the bed. Not there. Maybe there. Some version is there. The ghosts are in the way. He had to use his arms to move them. Wait move them. They're ghosts. How can the move out the way. What's happening.

"Onyx" he turns to the voice. No one's there. He has to move. He gets out of the bed and starts running for.... For what. Why is he running. Oh the earthquake. He needs to find shelter. Evian, Marla and shelter.

There's people in the bar. What's going on? They aren't panicking in fact their afraid. His hands feel heavy, he's holding something. Why is his sword in his hand? The people are afraid of him. Why? What happened? He just is trying to find safety. "Go find safety" that's not his voice is it. No it can be. He isn't loosing it it's not gruff. He said that though didn't he?

The people listened as they all ran out after onyx took a step. Somethings not right. He looks for Evian. His blade is dripping. Blood? There's a soul trying join the rest. He sees where that soul is coming from. He saved the people and they run. Why? There's a monster. He blinks trying to regain his thoughts.
"-nyx...dear." Oh Evian they are. Oh no. Shit no. No no no no no no. Shit. Fuck. The sword clatters he's on his knees next to Evian. There's tearing down his face. Heal them damnit. Onyx tries. He tries and tries. Why isn't it working. Etia please. He's begging. He can't loose them. "ETIA PLEASE" that's his own voice screaming for her help.  He can't lose Evian he can't do it. He hears people running at least he thinks he does he can't tell if anything is real or not. He's pulled away and it's dark. Why is dark?  what happened to him. Where is Evian? He can't lose them.

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