I dont mind the dark

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Adriel is use to the world going dark especially after nights when it feels like he didn't sleep and a migraine on top of that. What he wasn't use to was people finding him. Which is what he found out when he woke up on a couch when he was outside before the world started spinning.

He spoke to these people. They were the only one to give his name out. Except he learned kin's name from someone else someone familiar. He can't quite place it. It's kinda bothering him but it doesn't bother him enough to ask about it.

They decided to go on the adventure with these people, Adriel thought it could help them, he's trying to understand the weird things his brain does. Instead he almost died? For a second time?, it doesn't affect him that much though he's used to waking up after the dark takes over it feels like the first time he woke up it was weird.

The lady he was trying to stop the fight with seems to be dead. The group don't stay very long there's a child that needs to be moved. That child gets handed off to other people, the white changeling disappears and kin goes after. Adriel isn't sure on what to do. He looks back for the other tiefling but he seems to have gone. Adriel is alone again, so he occupies himself with the information that was given to them in the town before the death.

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