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This is so dark here, much darker than the last time I was here.

I try getting up but it is so hard to move on my own.

I look up from the road to the car that lay scattered around me, broken into pieces. There is a fire in some of the huge parts that lay behind. I can feel the heat.

I try my best to crawl away from it but it is so hard to. I can't even move an inch forward.

I felt a hand grip on my wrist and pull me over. I look at the hand that is pulling me forward.

I stand up and walk away with him. I can't see his face but his hand feels so smooth, as if does not really exist in real life but somehow he does and is now saving my life.

I fall down all of a sudden and he walks away not even looking back at me for once.


I shout.

I stand up and go after him but his hazy image in my eyes looks so distant walking far away from me.

"Don't go"

I plead.

The lights strike, the prolonged ringing in my head starts again, and the sudden stillness prevails, I stay there frozen breathlessly but then he turns around.

Oh, I wish I could see his face! The bright lights come over all over again.

I feel hot tears washing over my cheeks.

He is going away taking all the lights with him.

I sit up on the bed with my throbbing heart in my chest, gasping for life.

I touch my wet cheeks, whipping off any tears that have still not dried up.

I look around my room. It's looking pretty normal.

I glance toward the open window through which the sun is peeping inside taking away my privacy.

I sigh and get up to look outside.

People are already out and there are birds chirping on the roofs. The cold breeze touches my skin and I think of the dream I saw just now.

For how long do I have to relive this disaster? Why can't I let go of it? What do I need to do to get over it? I am clueless.

But thinking of it now, today's dream was slightly different.

I saw something that I never experienced that night at all. It's more like my unconscious mind knows something that my conscious doesn't and is so helplessly trying to communicate. It's strange.

I turn around at my clock which is now ringing.

I should get ready for the day already. Enough of my dream problems, it's time to help someone who needs help more than anyone I ever knew.

✄ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈

I walked through the lovely lanes that lead to The Carter Mansion.

The streets are decorated with beautiful flower plants all around, not to mention the pastel colors of the doors and gates. It looks so much like the French streets I visited a few years ago.

I feel the warm sunlight on my face.

Who says winter is cold and that's all about it? In fact, I find winter so warm.

The warmth of the heater, the warm sunrays, the warm hugs, and warm clothes, the warm food we make with so much love, the warm greetings when we visit our homes after a long tedious year, the warm smiles and the warm embrace we give ourselves when our spines shiver of the cold.

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