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I walk inside my chamber with an awkward smile.

I see a tall man looking through the window at the farther end of the room.

"Excuse me"

I say approaching my table.

He turns around and I see his dazzling blue eyes and a perfect jaw. I must mention how beautiful are the genes of the Carter family.

"Good morning, I am Nate Carter"

He walks forward with a smile.

"Good morning"

I greet.

"I am really sorry for coming here without any appointment or call"

He says sitting in the chairs that lay in front of my table.

"That's okay..."

I keep looking at him to insist him to talk about what he is here for.


He keeps each of his hands coiled into the other on the table.

"How is my brother?"

He says looking expectant of my answer.

My eyes quickly move to his shaking legs and fingers which are in constant motion.

He is really looking forward to my answer. I think he must really be tensed about Carter but I decided last night to keep his recovery sheet just to myself until I get to know Carter properly. It is a great thing that Nate is here. I can talk to him about an issue I think only he can agree to.

"Well, It has been just a week. I don't think I should give you hope or dismissal yet. Lend me some time to know your brother properly"

I say smiling warmly.

"I am so relieved knowing I gave my fragile brother in such caring hands"

He says.

"I think you are mistaken. Carter is not fragile in any sense. He is one of the strongest men I have known yet"

I bite my lip as soon as I realize what I just said. I did not think for once before saying it but now that I think again, it is not entirely just thoughts.

He smiles and looks at the table.

I must say, he is too hard to read. Not like Carter is like an open book but there is this creamy texture I find in Nate's voice whereas Carter's voice is as deep as the deadly seas and as cold as ice. None of them seem appealing in order to predict their thoughts to me at points.

"I had something to talk to Mr. Ken about but now that you are here I would like to ask it directly"

I say leaning against the wall, my hands crossed.

"Please go ahead"

His smile vanishes midway.

"I want Carter to get out of his house"

I inform.

"You mean to bring him to the clinic? Well for a permanent resolve, I can think of that but if they need to bring him here every day then-"

He started but drifted off in the wrong direction so I dropped in.

"Oh no. You got me wrong"

I laugh very briefly.


He asks confused.

"I was talking about connecting him to the outer world"

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