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I called the number written on the paper.

After ringing for a while, someone finally picked it up.


Says the voice on the other side of the call.

"Hello, you won't probably know me but I have something really important to talk to you about, Mr. Lee"

I say my fingers rubbing against each other.

There was a prolonged silence and then he finally spoke up.

"You are?"

His voice sounded very serious now.

"Erica Martin"

I thought of adding something more to explain to him who exactly am I but I myself am confused as to what should I introduce myself with.

"What exactly do you want to talk about?"

He asks.

"I am a neuropsychologist. There is the case study I have granted permission for. Please tell me where can I meet you. It's urgent"

I say in an indifferent tone now.

I know I lied but there is no way someone would talk to me about something from two years ago without any proper reason that can benefit them somehow.

"Okay Okay. How about at 5 in the Zeno club?"

He says immediately.


I hang up.

Isn't a club a bit too casual for meeting a psychologist?

I look at the watch on my wrist that reads 3:44 pm.

I guess I'll just pass my time somehow before I reach the club at 5

I did not inform Carter or Jason about not coming there today. Not even Mr. Ken. I cannot make myself concentrate on anything other than this man from that night.

But if have to be very honest, I know deep down if Mr. Lee tells me the one who saved me that night is someone completely different I might not actually go up to him. I am just concerned if it is Carter. I believe it is him because of how my body has been reacting toward him ever since I touched him for the first time without my conscious mind's knowledge. I am being played by my own instincts from the first day but I wonder will I be able to treat him the same after this?

But I want to believe it's not him.

I want to believe that I won't ever find that mysterious guy from that day.

I want to believe I will have to again try to forget everything that happened that day to never consciously think of that.

But I am scared that there is a part of me that wants the complete opposite.

✄ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈

I walk inside the lighted club with very few teenagers or young adults roaming around the bar.

I walk past the rashing school students who seem in a hurry. I wonder why do their parents not pay enough attention to them which leads them to go to clubs with friends who are not even above eighteen.

I heard a whistle from behind to look at a group of three men in ragged clothes which is nowadays termed as fashion staring at me with a smirk.

I sigh and quickly look ahead holding my bag tightly.

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