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I close the door and quickly take my phone out.

I click pictures of the capsules and send them to Dr. Zain.

It says something like "Benzodiazepines" if I am not wrong. It is too small to read clearly. I did not even bring my glasses here.

The other has no name at all.

This is strange.

I have certainly read about these medicines but I can't seem to remember what they are used for and what dose. After all, this is not the proper stream I work in.

I quickly check my phone but there is no network. Great!

Very evidently Dr. Zain won't get notified until my phone gets out of this network issue.

I was about to keep them on the table when I reconsidered doing so. I ended up putting them in my makeup pouch. No one would check that even when I knew no one would check anyway.

I wipe off the sweat from my forehead.

I don't normally sweat so much but it seems my anxiety is kicking in.

Suddenly I remembered Carter warning me several times about not roaming about alone but why? What is to be scared of in his own house? Who is to be feared and why?

Shout I keep the pepper spray with me here?

The sudden cold wind from the open windows reminded me of the sea and how I asked them to wait for me downstairs.

I quickly open my suitcase and take out a three-quarter pair of jeans and a flared light shirt.

I would have preferred shorts and a simple T-shirt but that would be too casual. I should not forget I am not here for a vacation. I am Carter's psychologist no matter whatever history we might have had before.

I change my clothes and walk downstairs with open hair.

I know my hair is going to turn into a mess after a while when they meet the playful sea breezes yet I decided to let them. I somehow like the way my hair gets its wings as soon as they meet winds. I like how they get to do something they were originally not supposed to.

Walking down the stairs, I look around for the two men I am closest to in this house but they are nowhere to be found so I walk out of the main door without my phone.

I found it reasonable to not take my phone to the beach.

The second I step into the world outside the comforting walls of the house, a gush of wind takes away the pair of hairs that were supposed to stick to my cheeks and neckline.

I close my eyes and breathe in the freshness of the air.

I look ahead and walk towards the huge open gate in the distance.

My bare feet touch the coldness of the grass beneath as I keep walking towards the beach.

I can certainly see two tall figures in the distance and no wonder one is jumping about and the other is watching with a frown.

I smile to myself unconsciously as I keep advancing towards them.

"You traitors"

I say loudly as soon as I almost reach them and they look behind, at me.

"You take a hell lot of time doc"

Jason explained squinting his eyes, probably because of the sun that was peeping through the clouds.

I look about and surprisingly there is not much snow around.

Maybe it has not snowed here for a long time.

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