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I was previously sure that if talked to Mr. Thomas about what Dr. Zain told me and the blurry concept I came up with through searching different kinds of similar cases, Mr. Thomas would have been able to give a logical outcome that would have caught so many of the missing dots.

But I could somehow not have the courage to disclose everything to him after seeing him so distracted today.

I have a great eye for body gestures. I can say if a person is being influenced or not and according to my study, I think I can trust no one other than myself right now.

I was quite shocked the other day when he asked why he did not treat Carter himself. I can't even imagine giving way to my ego in between a socially needy person who evidently needs my help. Is it not the sole point of being a doctor?

I casually asked him about some stupid concepts on anger instead. He looked very dissatisfied with my questions but he did not ask me anything about it any further. He smiled to himself at the end I don't have any idea why, maybe his experience told him what I was up to.

When I left the clinic, it had started getting very windy. I heard there will be a snowstorm tonight so I would have to get home before it starts.

I quickly booked a cab to reach the carters early.

The car stopped near the narrow lanes. The driver said it wouldn't fit in the road ahead so I hopped out.

I walk quickly before it starts snowing. I am literally so irresponsible that I even forgot the umbrella in Mr. Thomas's cabin.

I ring the bell twice and the maid opens it with a smile this time.

I smile back thinking, she is finally accustomed to my face now.

She informs me Vivian must be on his floor upstairs so I go up alone without her this time.

She asked if I needed something to warm myself but I declined her offer saying I won't be here for long.

As I walked upstairs I thought to myself if Jason would be in his room with him or not. Some part of me wanted Carter to be alone. That would make it easier for me to question him and he might feel more comfortable with no one around.

It's almost delightful how he feels comfortable with me but I can't help it since the day he said and acknowledged me being there for him. I won't lie, I was almost impressed by myself that day.

As usual, there was no one in the living room so I went to his bedroom door and knocked twice, my signature knock.

"Carter, I am coming in"

I say and walk inside to find no one in the room.

I assume he is in the other room or in the attached bathroom that I recently noticed last day in the corner.

I walk toward the other room and then I feel the sudden gushing of cold winds touching my exposed skin.

My eyes glance over to the sound of the rustling of papers. I find an open journal on the study table that lies a few steps away from me. The window on the other side is wide open.

The pages are constantly turning and then it suddenly turns still. I walk a few steps ahead to see the lamplit corner on the table.

It read something like,

'That day I realized who it was when I first'

I could not read any further because Carter suddenly showed up, gripping my hand that held the pages still.

"Have you no manners at all?"

He pins me to the wall with minimal effort after closing the journal shut with his other hand.

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