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I wake up in the morning with a clear mess around me.

I could not really get a proper derivation for the problem Carter was facing yet but I will soon discuss everything with Mr. Thomas and find a way out, I must.

I'll even have to inform Dr. Zain about my research after I get a logical reason for Carter's condition.

I called Mr. Ken early in the morning about my arrival today.

He did not really deny my visit but did not give a proper yes as well as if he was bound to something he could not express.

I reached the clinic way earlier today so unfortunately I could not meet either Mr. Thomas or Mark before I left.

I stopped in a cafe near the bus stop and sat at one of the window tables.

I had a sandwich and a hot chocolate, my all-time favorite breakfast since childhood!

After being done with the billing part I walked toward the door of the cafe to hear a voice call me from behind.

"Could you please fill out the feedback form?"

I turned around to find the waitress who served me earlier.

"I am really sorry but I am in a hurry right now. Fill it up with five stars from my side"

I smiled and turned behind as soon as I heard the bell on the cafe's entrance door but it was too late to walk back in a fraction of a second.

I bumped into someone and the files in my hand which I was about to put inside my bag while I walked on the way to the Carters fell on the floor.

Luckily the stranger got hold of me before I fell myself.

His smell made my heart stop and I looked up at his face as soon as I realized.

A stranger indeed.

I pulled back in a hurry from Dean's hold and bent down to gather my files.


He said in a heavy voice.

He sat on his knees to help me gather the files but I don't look at him because I fear I won't be able to act as if nothing happened like he does.

As if he did not cheat on me during my final exams and broke me completely, as if he was not the reason I was drunk as hell on the night my car crashed, as if he came to see me in the hospital to see if I was still there or not, as if moving on was so easy, as if I was never his priority that allowed him to throw me out of his life so effortlessly.


He handed them over to me and I saw his sincere brown eyes peeping into my soul.

I take the papers looking away. 

I could not make myself say a simple thanks. I, as if, lost my voice.

His sight makes my heart ache.

I was about to walk out when he said.

"So, you won't talk to me ever?"

I heard his voice shake a little.

"We don't have anything to talk about anymore"

I almost ran away trying to escape everything concerning him. I don't want to get involved with him ever again, not even in a tiny conversation that might mean nothing to him or me.

✄ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈

I walk out of the bus and make my way through the snow-covered lanes. There are no flowers today, just snowflakes, the beautiful ones.

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