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"I am coming inside, Carter"

I say stepping inside after knocking twice with no reply.

"Were you sleeping?"

I say as soon as I see him sitting in his study not bothering to even look up.

"Wear glasses doc. You need help"

He says switching off the lamp on the table.

"Okay, you look bad. Who did you kill today?"

I say sitting on the stool kept beside his bed.

"What do you do to get rid of your anger, Carter?"

I ask looking very genuine as if I want to learn some tactics from him.

I must make him believe that he has already recovered. This is a very famous way that is known across the globe to kind of hypnotize the patient that he or she has no problem at all and if they start believing it then they automatically improve but I wonder if it is going to be that easy when put into action or not. I can't even deny the fact that he has actually improved a lot more than what Jason told me the other day.

"I usually break stuff"

He says casually turning toward me.

"When I get angry, I try shouting my thoughts out because when I am angry I seem to face problems to think in a straight way. Murder is the first thought I get so it's better to release that shit"

I say laughing.

He kept looking at me without moving a single muscle on his face.

"It's weird"

He said looking away.

"I seem to basically think when I am angered, only when I am angered specifically"

He says getting up.

I see the veins in his hand rising up again but I decide to stay quiet and listen to everything he has to say instead.

"When my parents died,"

He began and I shifted my posture looking carefully at him at his sudden decision to finally tell me something about his very personal life events.

"I was angry..."

He went on.


I repeated getting up and summing up some pictures in my head simultaneously.

"Yes, angry. That was the first time I got angry, not irritated or frustrated specifically. I was severely angry when all of my relatives were crying and showing their last respects to my parents. My head was stomping inside my skull but then after that day, it was again calm. My head did pain a number of times after that in different situations but never during I was angry since then"

He turns at me.

I can't quite collect his state of mind right now just through his words but I still decided to keep quiet and listen to him.

He said last day that, he needed me and I am sure he needed someone to just listen to him through the chaos of his screams and shouts. When the storm was gone, it was only talks, I thought to myself.

"I can't explain in words what I faced back then but it was as if I was feeling sad through my anger. Aggression helps me think, to recall"

He says looking as clueless as I am.

"Did you tell this to Mr. Thomas?"

I say.


He walked one step toward me.

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