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By late night it had started snowing heavily. There was no way I could go home so Mr. Ken called me requesting me to stay here tonight and suddenly a wonderful idea played in the back of my mind. So, I did not refuse after the third request from his side.

Jason tried fixing the broken glass with cardboard to make it workable for the night. He could not do it so Carter had to walk on the roof to do that himself.

Everyone in the house tried preventing him from doing so but having no other option, they gave up. Carter asked me later why did I not stop him. I said, "I can't possibly control your life just because I am your doctor. If I found you were not fit enough for doing so then I would have surely stopped you"

He gritted his teeth as if something I said made him upset.

But honestly, it was not like I was not worried at all but I had no reason to stop him. No reason to take away the confidence he had owned in himself.

I told Jason that I wanted to make Carter sleep tonight.


He looked so surprised.

"I am going to make him sleep tonight"

I repeated sticking to my resolve.

"I tried it already. He won't listen"

He said already giving up, yawning big.

"We can try again"

I said, insisting.

"You know where the guest room is right?"

He said scratching his ear looking so sleepy that he could just fall asleep here.

"Yes I do"

I said frowning at him and he simply walked upstairs.


I am going to make Carter sleep tonight no matter what.

I went back to his room with slow steps.


I said standing beside his table.

"Are you off duty now?"

He said not even looking up at me.

"No. I am on night duty today"

I say trying to stop smiling at this lame joke.

He frowned at me now.


He crossed his arms.

"Look at you improving so fast"

I say feeling as proud as I sound.

He has stopped stomping his foot every time now. He is slowly gaining more and more control now.

He looks away from me fixing his hair on his forehead but I can see the blush that flushed in his face.

I can't help but adore the new side of Carter I just found.

"Sleep tonight"

I say determined, not ready to take a no for an answer.

This Monday it is going to be a month since I have started treating him.

His glance finds mine.

He smiles to himself and gets up.

"I don't sleep at night"

He says facing me.


I ask.

His eyes look back at the floor and then he turns around.

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