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On yet another day in "paradise", Pomni frowned as she watched Gangle go about her day, not acting like herself. Well, her comedy mask DID break earlier... But she was acting off besides that. And after their teamwork during the dance contest, Pomni had grown rather fond of the ribbon girl, she knew when something wasn't right, and alarm bells were ringing right now in the jester's head loud and clear.

Something was clearly wrong.

After Jax broke her comedy mask, Gangle outright refused to participate in the adventure Caine had planned, opting to just snuggle in Kinger's fortress with the man. Zooble had tried to talk to her, to see if she was okay, only to be ignored. It was weird, the only person she had confined into before Pomni came along was Zooble.

The adventure was now over, with Pomni standing outside Kinger's pillow fort with a worried expression.

Pomni: She hasn't come out at all since she went in there! Something definitely isn't right!

On the side, Ragatha and Jax stood by, the former looking at Pomni in concern while Jax simply sat with one leg crossed over the other lazily.

Ragatha: Now, now Pomni. There's no need to panic, I'm sure Gangle's okay. She's probably just having a bad day.

Jax: Yeah, relax, Happy Meal. Kinger probably just bored her to death talking about insects and she fell asleep

As he said this, the king himself poked his head out of the door.

Kinger: Actually, I did no such thing! She just walked in and fell asleep..... *nervous* I'm not that boring, am I?

Pomni/Ragatha/Jax: Of course not!/Don't be silly./Absolutely.

Kinger: Oh, good! Well, on an unrelated note, are girls supposed to be hot?

Jax: ....I mean, for som-

Ragatha: Not like that, Jax!

Jax: Hey, you know I swing all ways. Can't be too certain, any hole's a goal in my book.

Pomni let out a sigh and rubbed her eyes as she turned to face Kinger.

Pomni: Can you please be a bit more specific? What do you mean, "hot"?

Kinger: Like her body is oddly warm, her forehead specificcally..... Is she gonna explode?!

Ragatha: No, she isn't gonna explode. She's probably just hot in there.

The doll took the initiative, diving into the pillow fort and scooping the ribbon girl into her arms. As Pomni spotted Gangle, she shared a concerned frown with Ragatha upon hearing her groan in her sleep at being moved. The alarm bells were ringing again and this time too loud to ignore.

Ragatha: She's warm. More warm than she normally would be in there.

Pomni: Like a... A fever?

Ragatha: I'd say so, yeah.

Pomni: But we're data! We can't get sick... Can we?

Jax: We can get sick in the head.

Jax said this whilst taking his finger and making a looping motion with it by his head with a chuckle.

Kinger: No, not that I know of. *crawls out*

Do you think she's sick?

Kinger joined the two women as he watched Gangle in concern, twiddling his hands in a stressed fashion. He may be two steps away from an institution, but he did seem to bond with Gangle well. After all, she actually listened to his insect facts.

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