New Snake On The Block

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Back in Pomni's room within the Digital Circus, the EXIT door from before spawned yet again, a light growing brighter behind the door before it flashed, jettisoning Pomni, then A into the room. Pomni groaned as she rubbed her eyes while she saw her new partner slowly get up, yelping in pain as he clutches his knee.

"A": Bitch! What in... *looks around* What is this place?

Pomni: We're in the game I told you about. This is my room.

"A": Wow. Rather.... Colorful for your mindset.

Pomni: I didn't pick it exactly. So.... What now?

"A": Searchman said we need to find the game's base file. Anyone can manipulate a program's primary source code if they have the right binary skills, but only an outside programmer can access the base file. So... I guess we stick around until we find an opening.

Pomni: But won't Caine get suspicious that you just popped out of nowhere?

"A": Yeah, you're right. I have a VPN, so he won't know I'm a foreign AI, but I can't exactly just pretend to be a normal player of the game.

As her friend said this with his snake tail nodding in agreement, Pomni's widened as she smiled with an idea in mind.

Pomni: Actually, I think you can. Can you pretend to be anxious and scared for your life?

"A": I've been to the Deep Web before, there's not really a need to pretend.

Pomni: .....Damn, bro. Anyway, come with me, I have an idea.

Looking out to see the coast was clear, Pomni left the room as "A" followed behind her out of the hall.

Pomni: Looks like we have a few minutes before everyone gets up for the day. We just need to go to the stage on the main floor.

"A": Man, this place really is a circus. So, are there like.... Characters that resemble other performers, like animal tamers or acrobats?

Pomni: If you consider a jumble of abstract parts and a chess piece acrobats, then... I guess?

He remained silent as he and Pomni made their way to the stage, where "A" looked around and seemingly got into position.

Pomni: Okay, now we just wait for the others. Look afraid.

Her new friend nodded tried looking anxious, looking to the floor as he rubbed his arm.

Pomni: Little bit more?

Nodding, he clutched his hands close to his chest as he curled into himself, his snake tail looking afraid as it went between his legs.

Pomni: Perfect! Now, let's just hope Caine doesn't see-

Caine: *off-screen* Doesn't see what, my dear?

The jester yells in fright as she looks behind her, seeing the famous ringmaster floating above them.

Pomni: Caine! You... You're early!

Caine: I just thought I'd get a head-start on planning our new adventure- *notices "A"* My, my. *floats closer* What do we have here?

True to the plan, A began trembling, looking at Caine in fear as he spoke with a worried tone.

"A": W... Where am I? I just put on this headset and... And then... Who are you two?!

Pomni: Caine, this is.... A new player. He just appeared while I was on a walk to get my mind off of things and... I took it upon myself to comfort him?

She put on a false smile, trying to fool the ringmaster. However, just as it looked like he was suspicious and was about to raise a hand to strike, he laughed while patting the jester's head.

A Glitch In The CircusWhere stories live. Discover now