Mr Sinister

427 9 28

The day was... rather odd, so to speak. It was like the time Gangle had gotten sick, but instead of the sweet little ribbon acting odd, it was Kinger. The chess piece was rather sluggish and sick looking, his usual frantic jittering slowly exponentially as his eyes grew more bloodshot. Having skipped out on today's adventure, Kinger was seen on a random couch in the middle of the main room, Pomni and Ares overlooking him with Ragatha kneeling by him with a worried expression.

Ragatha: And when I came here, he was like this!

Ares: Man, I never seen anything like it. Could he be... You know...

Ragatha: No, this isn't Abstraction. This is something else entirely...

Pomni: Maybe he has a virus, like Gangle did before?

Ares: I don't think so. I mean, I don't think a virus can cause someone to slur and spot nonsense.

Kinger: Me say nonsense? That's unpossible.

Pomni: ...Are we sure he's sick?

Suddenly, a ladder spawned right behind the couch as Kinger got on his hands and "knees", climbing while facing in a diagonal position while bleating like a goat before collapsing on the couch.

Ares: No... No, I'm pretty sure that's normal.

Ragatha: That's it, I'm gonna call a doctor!

The doll opens her own menu, tapping on the map tab before tapping on a red button reading "HELP" with a shocked Caine face on it. A second later, Bubble spawned in, wearing a nurse cap.

Bubble: Heya, Dr Bubble here! Wazzup, need an operation? Alright, let's do this! *summons chainsaw and revs it*

Pomni: N-N-No! No, Bubble, no surgery is needed here. We just need you to look at Kinger, we think he's sick.

The sud let out a disappointed groan as he goes over to the chess piece.

Bubble: What seems to be the problem, your highness?

Kinger: I thawt I taw a Tweety Bird!

He nods as a loading circle spans in between Bubble's eyes. The remaining trio look on in confusion before the circle suddenly disappears and Bubble turns to them.

Bubble: Just as I thought! He's missing his liver.

Pomni: ...Oh, okay, I guess that makes sense. Also, WHAAAAT?!?!?!?!

Bubble: Yep, I suggest you guys get a nice door to the Cellar for him.

The bubble nods before sticking his tongue out and slaps Ares with it, leaving a drool-covered piece of paper on his snout.

Bubble: That'll be a million Caine Coins!

And with that, Bubble pops out of existence. Ares looks at the bill gobsmacked as he peels it off his face while Ragatha turns to Kinger.

Ragatha: How the %&$# did you lose your liver?!

Pomni: What are we going to do?!

Kinger only responds by twitching and making glitchy, stuttering noises. Seeing the poor guy suffering and Ragatha distracted, Ares opens a window and opens a webpage.

Pomni: What are you doing?

Ares: Trying to see if I can get Kinger a new liver. Ah, there's one for sale here for about the same price as about 12 CC.

Pomni: Caine Coins can be converted into money?

Ares: Yeah, we're just lucky I managed to find one so fast.

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