Blue Monsoon

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As she walked, Pomni let out a yelp as she pulled out yet another knife from her shoulder before tossing it aside. Caine's "adventure" that day wasn't very complicated or refinedl the premise was that they all had to dodge thrown knives coming from every concievable direction and angle by Caine himself. Fueled by her anxiety and fear of pain, Pomni was doing a very good job, until suddenly she wasn't. At least it was over and the knives stopped hurting a few seconds after penetrating her body and left no scars upon being pulled out.

Pomni: Well, I had to deal with knives, Caine's insanity, and now I have a sharp, stabbing headache. Oh, wait a minute....

She reached behind her head and with a light wince, pulled out yet another knife.

Pomni: There we go.

Sighing, Pomni had seen she had wandered to the front gates of the Carnival, smiling as it brought back memories from her and Gangle's first date. Plus, she could use a bit of fun after the horror show she had witnessed today. Her mind wandered and metaphorically bumped into walls as she tried to think of what she'd even want at the Carnival. Ice Cream? Popcorn? Fireworks?

Some ice cream would be good. She felt like she needed a treat. On her way to the confections, however, she spotted Ares sitting with Jax in front of a stand, the rabbit looking bored as he kept buying differently colored present boxes, opening them, pulling out either a blue or green cube from them, then pushing them back to Caine, who then scanned a lavender and yellow-striped card before giving it to him. Some mix of anger and curiosity flared up in her mind, and Pomni rushed over to the store.

Ares: Oh, hey Pomni.

Caine: Hello, my dear! Welcome to the Amazing Digital Shop!.... I'm still workshopping the name. How're you doing this evening?

Pomni: I'm fine.

The jester's tone was laced with anger and cold venom. She was still pretty angry with the ringmaster for his involvement with stabbing her with multiple knives... multiple times... TWICE IN HER TIME AT THE CIRCUS!

Ares: Woah, cold. You overdose on ice cream, Pom?

Pomni looked at Ares and rolled her eyes, but was curious as she anticipated a remark like that to come from Jax, but he instead just tilted his face over to observe Pomni, head resting in his palm.

Jax: Ah, hey Pom. Say, I don't have any knives sticking out of me, do I?

Ares: Nah, I think you're good.

Jax: *nods* Cool.

The chimera scooches over, tapping a stoll next to him for Pomni to sit on as Jax brought out the card she saw Caine give him before.

Jax: Hit me again, Caine.

Half-expecting (and slightly hoping for) Caine to just deck Jax with his fist, Pomni observed as the ringmaster took the card and scanned it before he gave Jax another little present box. Inside was a green cube.

Jax: *tosses it* Ugh! More garbage.

Pomni: *sits down* What are you doing?

Ares: Wasting all his Caine Coins.

Jax: *groans* This whole system is a total scam.

Caine: *coughs* I should note that the Random Skin system is perfectly legal in most countries, including the one we reside in!

Pomni: Random... skin?

Jax: Yeah. I've been tryin' to get myself a legendary skin for years. I feel like I've gotten all of the uncommon and rares by now.

Pomni: Legendary... skin?... Oh... like, can you make your skin steel to resist the knives?

Jax: Wha- No. Oh right, you're new. You two don't know any of the lingo.

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