A Lagomorph's Lament

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After that night, Pomni and Gangle had agreed to actually become a couple. However, they decided to keep it a secret from Caine for the time being, neither of them sure how the AI would react. Currently, most of the group was on the main floor going about their own business; Kinger was in his pillow fort, Pomni and Ragatha were hanging out after the daily adventure, and Gangle and Zooble were just talking.

Zooble: Okay, gotta be honest, not usually a fan of the adventures. But... The pirates, though? I gotta admit, it got a bit of a smile out of me.

Ragatha: Plus, Pomni got a bit of a time to shine, what with taking down that stink bomb.

Gangle: That's my girl!

Pomni blushed at the compliments, waving her hand at them.

Pomni: Aw, come on, it was nothing, guys. But, uh... Does anyone here feel like there's something missing?

Kinger: *exits his fort* The stickbug for my insect collection.

Pomni: ....Okay, feel like there are TWO things missing?

Ragatha: Come to think of it, where's Jax?

Zooble: No no, Ragatha, don't say his name. This is supposed to be a good day.

Gangle: What if he went missing?

Zooble: And you care?

Ragatha: Even if he's... unpleasant, Jax is still one of us

Pomni: It wouldn't be right to just leave things alone if Jax DID go missing.

As if by magic, Caine suddenly appeared.

Caine: Jax is missing?!... Amazing!

Pomni: ....That Jax is missin-?

Caine: Yes, my dear, because I finally have the idea for a new adventure!

Zooble: What? God, no! I don't want another adventure.

Caine: Sorry, Zooble, but this adventure is mandatory. Everyone... We're going on a "Rabbit Hunt"!

Like on Pomni's first day, the words "RABBIT HUNT" appear behind the floating ringmaster in balloony shapes as Caine begins laughing maniacally. However, what they didn't know was that Jax was in one of the halls, smirking as he holds a dripping paintbrush and facing a wall. He sets the brush into a can of paint, which he kicks away.

Jax: Oh, this is gonna be great. And now... for the people...

As he approaches the main room with his arms crossed, he clears his throat before breathing deeply. He then gains a more alarmed appearance as he runs into the room at full speed.

Jax: Guys! Guys! Pomni, Rgatha, EVERYONE!

Caine: Ah, Jax, we were just about to look for you.

Kinger: Ooh, maybe Jax'll help us on the rabbit hunt-

Jax: There's no time for these stupid adventures, listen! I.. Pomni was right, I found one!

Pomni: I was... right?

Gangle: What'd you find?

Jax: A real ex.... A REAL EXIT DOOR!

This caught every human's attention, making them look in disbelief while Caine's jaw drop.

Caine: Wut.

Ragatha: An... An exit?!

Zooble: Are you sure you saw it?

Kinger: Are you going insane?

Jax: Guys, I'm being serious! I opened it for a second to check, I... It's real! It's our way out!

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