Confessing To Caine

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Just like any other morning, Pomni awoke with the feeling of an incoming panic attack. Her weighted blanket was wrapped tightly around her and the artificial lights warmed her face a tad, but she still had her usual anxiety. Seeing there was no point in attempting to go back to sleep, Pomni simply sat up in her bed and walked over to her wardrobe. Just as she was about to open her wardrobe and change, she was caught by surprise from a knock on her door.

Pomni: Co... *yawns* Coming....

Deciding to shirk off putting on her uniform as she went over to pick up her hat from her mannequin head, she put it on as she walked over to the door. But that's when she smelled something. Something rather... good.

Pomni: What's that smell?

Opening the door, Pomni was met with the happy surprise of Gangle, her smile brimming thanks to her comedy mask and her ribbon arms filled with a pair of trays lined with breakfast food.

Gangle: Hi!

Pomni: Hey. You're up early.

Gangle: I wanted to do something special for you today, seeing as you had that Kaufmo scare the day before. So, I picked up some breakfast for us.

Helping Gangle in, Pomni watched as she made her way to the couch, setting down two trays on the coffee table containing pancakes, eggs, bacon, and even omelets.

Pomni: Wow, did... Did you put in a special order to Bubble?

Gangle: Well, he did cook the omelets. I did the others myself... I don't know if they're good though.

Pomni: Hey, hey, don't sell yourself short. This looks great, hun.

Upon sitting next to Gangle, she sat up straight as she kissed her girlfriend on the chin of her mask before grabbing the fork and knife provided for her. She took her first bite of eggs and well.... Every food in the Circus tasted great ever since Ares' tinkering, but because Gangle had made it herself it tasted magnificent. The two ate in silence for a few minutes before Pomni spoke up.

Pomni: So.... Gangle?...

Gangle: Yes?

Pomni: ...When should we tell Caine we're together?

The ribbon girl nearly choked on her bite of omelet from being taken aback by the sudden question but thought about it for a moment.

Gangle: I... I thought we were just going to wait until he found out.

Pomni: Me too, but... I hate to admit it, Jax is kinda right. We're not really good at being subtle. I think we should tell him ourselves. We should, you know, have control over telling someone something so important, y'know?

Gangle: But... What if he doesn't accept us?

Pomni looked down as she just got started on her pancakes. It was a possibility that Caine woud find their relationship "non family-friendly", after all, he's an AI without too much knowledge of romance as a whole (despite him possibly dating the Moon). She wished Ragatha could get some insight on this sort of thing, but then, she got a bit of an idea.

Pomni: What if we got the others' idea on telling Caine? That way, we'll know if it really is a good idea or not.

Gangle: I... That would make me feel a little better about it.

There wasn't any adventure planned today, due to Kaufmo's ghost data causing a bit of a ruckus amongst the crew, so the two made their way out of Pomni's room and into the hall after the jester changed completely into her uniform.

Gangle: So, who do you want to go to first? Not Jax, obviously.

Pomni: How about Ragatha? She's been the most open to us dating.

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