Caine's Cussing Conundrum: The Squeakual

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On his first day within the Circus, Gummigoo arose from his bed, yawning as he stretched. It was still surprising he actually had a room. Supposedly, it was the schematic from a character who gave up their room, but he didn't know them.

He sat up and turned to look about the place as he looked around his room, which was candy themed room with a singular window. His bed, a large white mattress appearing to look to be made out of marshmallow, was complete with gingerbread legs and furnishings and fondant blankets. Candy themed toys were strewn about, including boxes of oreos where someone had apparently been doing a horrible job of trying to peel the cream away from the cookies in one piece. He scoffed at the horrible job. Pictures outlined in twizzlers and licorice were hung on the wall, one rested on a gingerbread nightstand. He takes the photo and smiles at it, revealing it to be of himself, Chad, and Max together.

Suddenly, a ringing is heard throughout the room as Gummigoo otices a small knocking coming from the door. He reaches to the headboard of his bed, where his hat was put up before putting it on and opening the door. Upon opening, he's faced with Ares and Pomni, the latter of which giving a small, nervous morning.

Ares: Good morning, dude.

Pomni: Morning, Gummigoo.

Gummigoo: Mornin'. *steps out* Uh, am I late for anythin'?

Pomni: No. We... We just wanted to see how your first night was. What, with all the drama and existentialism from yesterday.

Gummigo: Oh, that? I'll be fine, I just... *slightly glum* Need some time to process....

Ares: I get it. Come on, let's take you to breakfast and to properly meet the others. After that, we can finally get you in on your first adventure. Cane might have something special planned for you.

Despite the odd shudder at the mentioned name, the croc followed the pair out of the hall and down the stairs, where the other Circus members, Bubble, and Moon were having breakfast at the table. As they start eating, Ragatha notices the three coming down, causing her to get up and approach.

Ragatha: Hey, guys. Good to see you finally come down.

Pomni: Sorry, we... needed to get our new friend up and ready.

Ragatha: *nods, turns to Gummigoo* I don't think we've been properly introduced. Gummigoo, right?

Gummigoo: Yeah, and you're.... Raggie?

Jax: That she is, Chewy! And don't forget it! *chuckles*

The doll growls at Jax's joke, only to take a breath and smile at him.

Ragatha: Close, but it's Ragatha. It's nice to properly be introduced.

He was about to respond, only for the ever familiar ringmaster to pop out of nowhere.

Caine: That it is, my dear! And I believe I should introduce myself to our new NON-HUMAN performer!

Gummigoo: Uh, kinda trying to-

Caine: Get to know the layabout of our fine Circus? Well, look no further than yours truly. My name is Caine, the ringmaster and showman of this lovely place!

Gummigoo: Uh...Charmed.

Ares: Um, Caine? We were kinda hoping to do the rest of the introductions ourselves.

Caine: Ah, I see. Very well then, just pretend I'm not here! *stands still*

Ares: ....You're standing right there though.

Caine: IGNORE ME~!

Ragatha: Uh, why don't we introduce our new friend to the others, huh, guys?

Pomni: Oh! Right, of course.

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