Kaufmo the Totally Happy and Sound Of Mind Ghost

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Like before, Pomni and Ares conversed with one another, walking to their rooms after Caine's latest adventure involving a game show where the losers were attacked by wild beasts called "Zomboozles". Safe to say, not a lot of people liked that adventure.

Ares: Still no luck on those exit doors? Maybe Caine missed one?

Pomni: I checked all over and I can't find any exit doors popping up anywhere. I even stayed at the spot the last one popped up at for an hour and nothing!

Ares: So, all the exit doors are gone.... Now. we're out of leads. What do we do now? It's not like there's anyone here who knows about an actual exit.

Pomni: *sighs* If only Kaufmo was here..

Ares: "Kaufmo"? Who's Kaufmo?

Pomni: Oh, well-

Ragatha: Oh no, Kinger!?

Pomni was shaken by the sudden yell from Ragatha coming from down the hall before she ran past the two towards an open door.

Ares: Ragatha?

They follow her to the room, only to see Kinger standing by himself in a dim, regal-looking room, decorated with all manner of fancy furniture and a big royal bed with magenta sheets. The prevalent color of the room seemed to be a chocolate brown, mixed with a feminine pink. Pomni found herself absently following Ragatha into the open door, but then her eyes widened as she saw the face plate on the door. It was a crossed-out queen chess piece, dark brown, that resembled Kinger, which she had learned from the chess piece before her to be Queenie.

Ragtha: Kinger...

The regal was standing there in the middle of the room, slowly looking around as Ragatha approached.

Ragatha: Kinger, who let you in here? We've talked about this.

She placed a hand on his collar, only for Kinger to flinch exaggeratedly, as if he'd just noticed her.

Kinger: Ragatha! I saw her again, Ragatha. Here!

Ragatha: I-I know you did, Kinger, I know. But you know this isn't healthy. I've told you why.

She begins leading Kinger out, the chess piece looking down in sadness and longing.

Kinger: I'm sorry, Ragatha. I... I just wanted to hear her voice again.

Ragatha: I know, Kinger. I miss her too. Why don't you get some rest today, Kinger? Adventure's over, you got to be on a game show again, you should be happy.

Kinger: Yeah, that was fun... Oh well. Good night.

Ragatha nodded as she gently closed Kinger's door on him as soon as he entered the room. Turning around, she finally noticed Pomni and Ares behind her.

Ragatha: Oh, hey guys. Didn't notice you both were there.

Pomni: What was that about?

Ragatha: Stupid Jax must have let Kinger into Queenie's room again. Ugh, he burns me up sometimes. So inconsiderate.

Ares: Kinger must really be losing it, huh? Was he having one of those digital hallucinations Caine was talking about?

Ragatha: Well... No, not this time. There's ghost data in her room of her that has never been cleaned up, so Kinger sometimes goes to hear that.

Pomni: Gho... Ghost data!?

Pomni began to shake in fear. It was bad enough she was stuck in a digital prison full of insanity and saturated colors, but now there were GHOSTS?!

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